
The Best is Yet to Come - Happy New Year!


“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” - C.S. Lewis

And just like that, it is officially 2024!

 I hope this finds you ready and hopeful for new opportunities, filled just a bit more with courage to take advantage of those opportunities.

I hope this finds you in a space where curiosity and joy thrive - daily. 

I hope this year, you find endless reasons to celebrate even the "small" everyday things, 

remembering that the so-called "small" things are actually the big things.

Happy New Year!

white cards journal

Women in Business | Jerylann Mateo

Part of what makes my work as a portrait photographer for women here in the Bay Area is obviously the opportunity to create images they can be proud of and have forever - AND also celebrate the amazing wins they achieve!

I am so proud to share that my amazing client, Jerylann Mateo, was again named this year as one of RealTrends America's Best Real Estate Professionals. This list represents the top 1.5% of 1.6 million real estate professionals in the United States!

Congratulations on this accomplishment, Jerylann - you rock!

Celebrating Women in Business | Ramona Shaw

“ ‘Restore connection' is not just for devices, it is for people too.”

-Arianna Huffington

Happy New Year, everyone!

In just a few days, we will literally be halfway through this first month of 2023 already - and I sincerely hope the start of the year has been a good one for you all so far.

With this fresh start and new year, I though it best to start off with featuring one of my awesome clients, Ramona Shaw.

As a leadership and executive coach as well as author of The Competent and Confident New Manager with extensive experience as a former VP in a corporate setting, Ramona’s work is dedicated to developing and helping managers become high-performing, effective leaders.

Her work is about challenging and growing people to essentially be a great influence to those they lead and I am honored to feature her in today’s “Celebrating Women in Business” spotlight!

Images by Heartbox Photography


Can you share a little bit about you and your business? 

I have a leadership development business that specializes in delivering coaching and training programs for new and mid-level leaders.

What has your journey looked like personally/professionally to get to where you are now?

After graduating, I entered the field of private equity and ultimately led strategic projects and international teams at a private equity firm. However, I soon found out that I couldn’t figure out how to be a good leader all on my own. As I went through my own growth journey as a leader, I discovered my passion for coaching and leadership training.  I decided to get officially certified as a professional coach and dedicate my career to helping managers become leaders people love to work for. 

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

I absolutely love being able to be a positive influence on people’s careers. There is definitely a butterfly effect when it comes to leadership. I love helping a new manager overcome the obstacles that they face. I feel that by helping one person become a better manager, there is an even bigger impact that it has on the organizational environment because the people on that manager’s team will see how a good leader responds to challenges, sets a good example, and implements positive leadership habits that create positive and inclusive work environments.

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

I would tell myself that it’s important to know yourself and that strong self-leadership, which includes the ability to manage our own thinking and our emotions, is key to becoming a strong leader. Start with growing that part of leadership first and foremost, regardless of job or position.

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

The thing I appreciate most about my life right now is how rich and full it is. My schedule stays busy but it’s busy with the things I love doing, spending time with my kids, running my business, and making a difference in the lives and work of others.

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

I would love to meet Marcus Aurelius, who reigned as a Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD. He was a dedicated student of Stoicism and wrote what would later become titled “Meditations.” These writings were journal entries to himself as a source for his own self-improvement and philosophy on leadership. 

I admire the philosophical beliefs of Aurelius because as a leader his Stoic principles helped him overcome many obstacles and become one of the greatest Roman leaders in history. Not only does Stoicism help me feel more focused and have greater clarity even when things are unexpected or unpredictable, but it also helps me give up the need to feel like I have to be in control all the time.

Your Own Kind of Beautiful


As I look at this image the first thing I think of is how lovely it is truly is to be your own kind of beautiful.

The comparing helps no one, not especially you.

And so today, I hope you really do walk with a joy in your step fully knowing, owning, and believing this.

Be your own kind of beautiful.

Because your own kind of beautiful really does exist.


Image by Heartbox Photography

Hair & makeup by Kathleen Tinney

A Celebration of Phenomenal Women | 50 & Fabulous Series | Melanie Gill

One of the things I enjoyed most about launching a series in 2021 that celebrated women who are part of the 50+ demographic was hearing their personal perspectives about what this season of life looked like for them, their careers, and their overall journey.

Being in this demographic means different things to different women and as such, I have asked a few women who participated in the series to share their stories - and today, I am honored to highlight Melanie Gill, Bay Area-based Marketing and Branding Expert, of Melanie Gill Consulting.


Aging is really a gift if you think about it.

Not everyone is blessed with this opportunity to journey “over the hill” and experience life at a slower pace.

Embracing my age has been a very freeing experience. A major step toward acceptance was ending the perpetual hair dye sessions and embracing my grey in all its glory. The year long journey from black to grey was slow. During that time, I really processed what it meant to be over 50. As I would look in the mirror and watch my hair changing, I too was able to shift internally as I would digest what the next chapter of my life could look like.

For me, it became clear that I was ready to work on my own terms as a marketing consultant and live more in the moment personally.

black outfit grey hair woman photo

The tech space can be fast moving requiring more than a typical full time routine, often including extensive international travel. While I very much enjoyed that part of my life and seeing the world, it also became clear as I got older that I wanted to engage at a pace that supported my personal life here at home.

This is what inspired me to leave the corporate world and start my marketing consulting practice.

grey hair blue dress woman outfit photo

It was a bit of a dance back and forth for a few years between consulting, then returning full time, then back to consulting. And now I love being a consultant and supporting a variety of small and mid size companies while learning about new endeavors beyond technology.

With over 20 years in leadership roles in Silicon Valley, I bring extensive marketing and sales expertise to the clients I serve today. I am passionate about helping small to mid size businesses get the word out about who they are, what they are offering, and why it matters. I am gifted at being able to step into an organization and bring to light what is needed to achieve that next level of success.

Being a consultant has allowed me to create a balanced personal routine enabling me to focus on exercise, eating well, and keeping my garden beautiful. Right now, I am writing a cookbook and so far the recipes seem to all be vegan as I have been focused on bringing more vegetables into my daily diet. One thing is for sure, I don’t miss the commute or the long trips over seas for business.

When I have a bit of down time between clients, you will find me getting certified in something interesting like interior design or essential oils. Or taking on a big project at home like landscaping my garden myself.

And while I tend to be a driven, focused, and deliberate person, I also enjoy deep connection with people.

There is nothing I like more than having a meal with a handful of amazing, witty, and interesting women!

International Women's Day 2022

How proud I am to serve and encourage women. To remind them of their voice, their possibilities.

March is when we celebrate International Women’s Day. And as I look at the faces of just some of the women I have been privileged to photograph over the years, I am in awe of the beauty seen in various stories that weave together a sweet reminder of how proud I am to be a woman.

Images | Heartbox Photography


portraits diverse women international women's day 2022

Bay Area Women In Business | Dr. Kerry Lindell

I must confess that as I type this, I find the urge to sit up straighter at my desk and exercise better posture. =)

Why, you might wonder? Well, today I am honored to feature Dr. Kerry Lindell, founder of Lindell Chiropractic in this month’s “Bay Area Women in Business” profile!

Dr. Lindell is a trusted Bay Area - based chiropractor with extensive (over 30 years) experience. She has been named Local Businessperson of the Year in Mountain View twice and her commitment to providing the best care for every one of her clients, undoubtedly, is what contributed to not only the success of her practice, but also to the stellar reputation she has built among her clientele.

One of the things that I personally found so interesting about Dr. Lindell is that while her work is centered around spinal care, sports injuries, etc. this amazing business woman is also pretty fearless when it comes to facing activities that would send someone like me running for the hills! I will let her elaborate on it below, but basically, while most of us shy away from activities like bungee jumping and swimming with sharks, she is the daredevil who seeks after the thrill of activities like this gusto!


Can you share a little bit about you and your business? 

I grew up in Los Altos, California and studied Biology at UCLA. Towards the end of college, I was suffering with severe pain in my shoulder blade. I was not able to focus on my studies and needed to get some help. My parents flew me home so I could see a chiropractor. After the first treatment, I felt so much better. She treated me again the next day and I improved even more. Not only did I get significant relief from my pain, but I also realized then and there that I wanted to become a chiropractor.

I went to Palmer Chiropractic College West, graduated in 1990 and have been in practice for almost 32 years. I specialize in proper spinal alignment, posture correction, sports injuries and neurology. I am also having huge success with the latest technology challed Shockwave Therapy which is a regenerative treatment for acute and chronic injuries. You can visit www.lindellchiropractic.com to find out more about me and my services.

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What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?  

I absolutely love being a Chiropractor and can't imagine doing anything else! What I enjoy the most about what I do is getting to know my patients and being able to improve their quality of life. I have developed treatment protocols to help my patients restore normal posture, relieve pain, improve range of motion and function, and recover and rehabilitate after an accident or injury.

The greatest challenge has always been dealing with insurance companies. Need I say more?

Knowing what you know now about your career, what would you tell your 18 year old self?  
I would tell myself to trust my gut, listen to my heart, and follow my intuition. It worked for me when I was 22 and it still works to this day.

Who inspires you and why?  
My twenty year old twins inspire me to be the best role model possible as a mother, doctor of chiropractic and business owner.

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?  
I am somewhat of a dare devil or thrill seeker. I have tried bungee jumping, skydiving, hang gliding, paragliding, parasailing, balloon riding, helicopter riding, flying trapeze, motorcycle riding, surfing, horseback riding, shooting, E biking, ziplining with monkeys and scuba diving with sharks in South Africa, waterfall/cliff jumping and Spartan Obstacle Course Racing.

If you could meet anyone in history (living or not), who would it be and why?

I'd like to meet the fabulous British actress, Dame Maggie Smith.  Since I am currently watching Downton Abbey for the second time, she has been on my mind lately. It turns out we both have Scottish mothers and she reminds me of my mother as they have very similar mannerisms. She has had an extremely prolific acting career since the 50's and is currently working at 87 yrs. old. I am sure she could tell some funny and fascinating stories.

Portrait of a Lady | 50+ and Fabulous of 2021

In the Spring of 2021, I officially launched the very first Portrait of a Lady | 50+ and Fabulous Series. I have always photographed women of all ages, but never designed anything specifically dedicated to celebrating this fabulous demographic of women.

Until now.

The goal was to intentionally reach out and photograph 50 women in 2021 who are 50+ and proud to share it with others through their images. I am honored to now present to you all the first ever compilation of my clients whose images together create a beautiful tapestry of art that speaks a message of celebration at every age and season of life!

Portrait of a Lady, 50+ Fabulous Series 2021

Images | Heartbox Photography

Yael Rakib | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

Yael is the founder and owner of The Law Office of Yael Rakib. As an estate planning attorney, this incredibly accomplished woman continues making a great impact in the lives of countless families, but the first thing you will immediately notice even more is that she is the most proud to be a mother to her little girl.

Family is everything to Yael and it drives her passion to work in the field that she does. I recently had the opportunity to create new images for her company’s website and the most fun part was to include her sweet daughter as well in these photographs. Yael and I both agreed that her daughter definitely stole the show! It is my honor to share with you all some of the images from this fun photoshoot and also a little more about this phenomenal mother and attorney, Yael Rakib.

Images | Heartbox Photography

Hair & makeup | Daisy Gonzalez-Duarte of Beautiful One Makeup Artistry


“I am a single mom to a smart, fun and sassy five year old girl who keeps me on my toes. She’s the reason I branched out on my own and started my estate planning and probate practice. I’m passionate about helping people plan their legacies. Whether you’re a parent who wants to give everything to their kids or if you’re single and have charitable intent and everything in between, I want to help you achieve your goals.

“I am also uniquely situated because of my own life experiences to understand the situations of others who are going through divorce, those responsible for loved ones struggling with substance abuse, and parents of blended families. I use my education and experience to help you create an estate plan which fits your individual situation.”

“I started my legal career in child welfare law and I found after some time that this was not my passion. I had a friend tell me once that she thought my superpower is how much capacity I have to care for others and, unfortunately, empathy made it very emotionally difficult to work in this field. A mentor of mine introduced me to estate planning and, due to the necessity for flexibility as a single mom, I had to start my own practice. It took guts and grit, but I’m glad every day that I did it. This process also inspired me to mentor other young female attorneys who need the extra guidance and inspiration to strike out on their own.”

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

“I really enjoy meeting new people and putting their minds at ease about the uncertainties following what should happen to their assets if they lost capacity or died. Some of the challenges are that this area of practice does not work in a vacuum — there are intersections with family law, business law, intellectual property, even international law. But, it is very satisfying finding answers to new questions, expanding my knowledge and meeting new people along the way from whom I can learn.”

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

“I would tell my 18 year old self not to wait for the “right time” to come along. My father is an entrepreneur and I always looked up to him. I used to think that when the time was right, that I would know that I was ready to do something on my own, much like he had. The truth is, there is never a “right time” and it always takes guts and hard work to accomplish big dreams.”

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

“My family, my friends, my clients and my colleagues.

I have really good people in my life and I strive every day to make them proud and to give back to them.”

Who inspires you and why?

“I have been very fortunate to have many sources of inspiration. I’ve already mentioned my father because he was a role model in starting my own business. Now-a-days, my father continues to inspire me to work harder and achieve more. My mother inspires me to be more kind and patient. My daughter inspires me to be a better role model and to overcome challenges. My siblings inspire me to accept and love myself. My friends inspire me to be more selfless. My colleagues inspire me to learn more, and to teach others, as well as provide others with opportunities.”

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

“I can squat over 200lbs!”

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

“Ruth Bader Ginsberg because of her strength and success in breaking down barriers.”

Remembering The Why's

Sometimes, like most people, I get swept up in the busyness of striving and moving forward as an entrepreneur that I forget the why’s of my work and even the impact it has on people I have the privilege to serve. So many years ago, when first starting to think about what this photography business could even be, I remember wanting it to simply succeed, but also deeply wanting the work I create to have an impact, inspire, and uplift women of various ages, shapes, races, and backgrounds. I wanted to make a living doing something extremely fun and inspiring, not just for myself, but for the people around me.

In an effort to remember my why’s, I recently asked a handful of previous clients some questions and share their input about their favorite images from their photo shoot with Heartbox Photography. It was encouraging to hear/read some of their responses. I am extremely honored to share with you all one of the responses I received from my client, the lovely Danielle Dayoub-Forrest and her input on her favorite image below.

I guess what I am trying to say is that when you’re an entrepreneur like me, make a concerted effort to remember your why’s regularly. Not just as an end of the year, beginning of the year thing, but throughout the year, throughout the months, throughout the weeks. And if you forget or need help, a great place to start is simply reconnecting with the clients you serve or have served in the past. =)

Happy Thursday, everyone.

Image | Heartbox Photography

Hair & Makeup | Kalani Style


How does this photo makes you feel?

I feel so myself here. It just sums up my work and my personality. And when I'm not present/in the moment, this is how I aspire to be.”

Why is the woman in that photo beautiful?

“She's a listener, she's smart, she's happy, she's comfortable in her own skin.”

What would you say to the woman who wants to do a personal portrait shoot of herself but is too afraid to or thinks they shouldn't because of how they feel/look?

“Maria does a great job of helping you just feel at ease- to move with confidence, and when the inner you is shining, the pictures always turn out beautifully.”

What do you think your children or grandchildren will say when they look back and see this photo of you years down the road? “I think they'll see the essence of the same woman they know, but a glowing version of her.”


A Journey of Learning & The Importance of Cheerleaders

“My journey was that of learning. I was always a very curious being, always looking for opportunities to learn more… about everything. This has really allowed me the courage to start my own entrepreneurial journey. I was never alone on that journey. I was surrounded with people who love me and they were my biggest supporters and cheer leaders.”

-Karmen Reed

Image | Heartbox Photography

Hair & Makeup | Kat Tinney


Michelle Toney | A Celebration of Black Excellence

“Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity.

It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.” 

- Mae Jemison

I had the pleasure of getting to know Michelle Toney in our chats before and after her photoshoot and even though her educational background and career are in areas that many would consider “serious” (as an adjunct professor in math/statistics and also in the world of finance!), Michelle reminds me more of the friend you spend hours laughing with while chatting about everything under the sun.

She was born and raised here in the Bay Area, in Vallejo. As a student at Vallejo High School, she played volleyball, basketball, and ran track. Michelle went on to earn her BA in Math/Statistics at San Jose State University as well as an MA in Business Management at the University of Phoenix. As a local Hayward resident, she is an avid traveler, loves to enjoy great food and has a passion for all things that advocate for living a healthy life through exercise, self-care, and probably the most important thing, the daily medicine that is laughter. #amen

It goes without saying that Michelle is truly a #bosslady in life, in her work, and endeavors and I am beyond honored to highlight a bit of her story in today’s feature blog post with you all.

Happy Friday!

Images | Heartbox Photography

Wardrobe styling | Lisa Gaines

Makeup | Nancy Wetherholt

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3993.jpg

“My education background is Math / Statistics because I think math is fun and it is necessary for everyday life … especially if you want to be successful.

I’ve learned in the areas of finance, health care and manufacturing that math and statistics tell stories on how businesses are being run today and where it needs to be in the future.”

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3994.jpg

What are you most proud of in your life and why?

“I am proud to live the life I want and accept the good, the bad, and the ugly that goes with it.  I believe that’s I how I grow as a person and learn from the mistakes that I have made.  Plus, being surrounded by people who have similar life-style as me helps.”

What is something most people might now know about you?

“I am willing to work and partner with people where we both produce positive and productive outcomes/results.  Basically, have a “win-win” partnerships.”

Can you tell me about someone who has had a huge influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you?

“My parents have been influences in my life where they taught me to think before I make a decision and be prepared to face the consequences.  Most of my sport coaches have helped shaped me where I can contribute my strengths for the team, but reminded me to improve on the skills that need more work so I can grow and exceed to the next level in life.”

What is the best advice you've ever received?

“Stay out of other people’s business that does not involve me.”

Who/what inspires you and why?

“Having an opened mind is my inspiration.  By looking at the world from different perspectives allows me to help people on what they need to improve their lives.  I believe that most people in the world should travel and see/experience how others live and we could be live a little bit more harmony.”


If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

“I want to meet my ancestors from the 1800s and thank them for their sacrifice and struggles they had to endure to get me where I am today… a single, black women who is a math and money genius, who is able to control her life without the limitations that they had to live. 

I am sure they would be very surprised, but be joyful that their hard work wasn’t done in vain.”

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3995.jpg

What does "honoring and celebrating black excellence" mean to you?

”As a Science, Technology, Engineer and Math (STEM) affiliate, I honor our black inventors and scientists by letting folks (young and old, regardless of race) know who they are. 

Unfortunately, most people don’t know that Afro-Americans created the stop light, Super Soaker water gun, filament inside a light bulb, cotton gin, elevator, gas mask, the golf tee, etc.   

I believe I’m one of the many folks who want to share information so they can get a better sense on how to respect people, regards of their gender, race, religion, economic background, and love interests.”

Tania | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

“She remembered who she was…and the game changed.”

-author unknown


I have known Tania for awhile now, but it wasn’t until she came in for her own photoshoot that I got to really learn more about her own personal story - as a woman, a wife, and a mother.

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3195.jpg

I think as women, we can relate to one another on a unique level with regards to what it is like when hit hard with the coldest challenges of life, witness the bliss that comes from the peaks of victories, and shed tears of relief when God’s beautiful and constant feed of grace sustains us through it all.

Tania is not hesitant to share all about her faith and how she has seen God transform and strengthen her and her family.

It is beautiful and nothing short of a miracle.

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3193.jpg

Like every mother and every woman I have photographed, she is understandably hesitant and shy to step out in front of my camera - because she, like all of us as women if we’re honest, sometimes wonder about what the camera will show us about ourselves.

Will it be critical?

Will it be kind?

Or really…should it even matter to us?

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3196.jpg

One of my favorite things about seeing a client’s transformation is the look that changes in her eyes from when she first comes in for her shoot compared to the last image captured.

It’s almost as if you can see that smile from within that steps out, hesitantly at first, but later with a reassured confidence once it sees that it is more than safe to come out.

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3194.jpg

That smile, that strength, that unique creation of who Tania is as a person is exactly what I saw emerge in her eyes in these images and I am so very proud to share them with you all here.

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3198.jpg

Danielle | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

“Her eyes have their own vocabulary.

What a beautiful language to learn.”

-author unknown

Danielle is a beautiful wife, mother and career-woman extraordinaire that I had the privilege of meeting through another client who just happened to be her personal trainer. As with most career women and mothers that I meet, Danielle is driven in her work and centered around caring for her family, doing an amazing job and also placing the needs of others before hers.

When we connected and started discussing the design of her shoot, she had shared that she has never done anything like this before and while excited, was also understandably nervous as most of my clients are. What I respect about Danielle is that this photoshoot is one of the many courageous steps she’s taken into remembering who she is as a woman and giving herself permission to not only take care of herself, but also celebrate exactly who she is and what she is still growing to be.

It still floors me to see how much women juggle between career, family, and life itself and I am beyond honored to share with you all some images and a behind the scenes glimpse into Danielle’s photoshoot with Heartbox Photography.

Happy Tuesday!

Images | Heartbox Photography

Hair & makeup | Daisy Gonzalez-Duarte of Beautiful One Makeup Artistry

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2626.jpg

“Really, I had lost myself for the last 15 years. Since having kids, juggling my demanding career consumed all my time, so although its such a cliche, there wasn’t any time left over for me.

Five years ago I had a health scare, which woke me up to seeing that things had to change. However, after initial changes, taking care of myself fell aside again.

After further decline, including gaining a lot of weight, I reached the end of my rope, and finally implemented changes to take care of myself. “

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2635.jpg

“I started working out with a personal trainer, implemented better nutrition, including removing processed foods, and did daily activities to help reduce stress.

I still have a ways to go, but I feel 200% better than I did 2 years ago, and am aiming to look and feel better by age 50, than I did even 20 years ago.”

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2636.jpg

“We need to be nicer to ourselves and realize its OK to not be able to do everything.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to do it all, that we lose sight of ourselves in the process. There will never be time to take care of you, so make the time. You are a priority.”

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2634.jpg

Best advice you ever received?

“Life is short. Each day is precious. Be sure to take time every day to do things you want to do, not just the ones you have to do.”

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2630.jpg

What do you appreciate most about your life now?

“I feel like I have my life energy back. Along with my health, my relationships are improving, and having time to play with my kids before they are gone is priceless.”

Ruth-Anne | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

“This world is but a canvas to our imagination.”
-Henry David Thoreau

If there is one thing I firmly believe, it’s that when you are true artist, your inspiration is never just limited to your own medium or even your own abilities, . A lot of the time, my own inspiration as a photographer comes from dancers, the sounds and beats of all different kinds of music from all genres, even watching people knit together a complicated pattern that produces an incredible tapestry that tells a new and bigger story.

I had the privilege to photograph a local Bay Area artist/painter and graphic designer, Ruth-Anne Siegel. I can not paint anything artistic to save my life, which is probably why Ruth-Anne’s work is incredibly beautiful to me. Vibrant colors have always been something I absolutely love and her work embodies some of the most beautiful blends and bursts of color I have ever seen. My words don’t do her work justice, you need to see it for yourself here! When I see her latest creations on social media, it’s almost as if I can also experience and feel her focus, her smile, her joy, taking heed to an invitation into a piece of her world when she makes these these colors come to new life on canvas.

Ruth-Anne is an inspiration to me as photographer and I am so honored to have worked with her on her photoshoot with Heartbox Photography.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Images | Heartbox Photography

Hair & makeup | Daisy Gonzalez-Duarte with Beautiful One Makeup


Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2621.jpg

Can you tell me a bit about you as a person (your own life journey thus far), what inspired you to start your business and what you find most rewarding about your work?

“I always wanted to be an artist and when I found out I could be a graphic designer that’s what I decided I’d be when I grew up! After a career at a large agency in New York City and then many start ups in Silicon Valley, I decided to work for myself.

My clients are mostly women entrepreneurs running their own businesses or non-profits. My art career doesn’t end with graphic design. I’m also a fine artist. I paint bold, expressive, colorful abstract paintings that I sell locally in art fairs and open studios as well as in local galleries and online.”

What are some things that you would want women to know with regards to beauty, self-confidence, and growing up as a woman in today's world?

“If you are beautiful on the inside, you’ll be beautiful on the outside. A shared smile, a foundation of confidence, and an innate sense of who you are makes you shine. I know that when I’m sure of myself, I can do anything!”

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2622.jpg

Best advice you ever received?

“Never assume, always ask.”

What do you appreciate most about your life now?

“I appreciate that I and all my loved ones are healthy, happy, and fulfilled.”

Melanie | 2019 | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

I think with anything that seems intimidating and unknown, it’s much more common to avoid it entirely and somehow hope it will turn out just fine. This includes planning and truly knowing where your financial house stands - whether it’s sand or cement.

I had the pleasure of meeting Melanie awhile back and we immediately connected over our common love/slight obsession with our dogs. In conversation over all things pet-related, I also learned that she is a financial advisor with Financial Perspectives based here in the Bay Area. It is evident that she has a true passion to help educate people make sound financial decisions, especially women. Historically, when it came to personal finances, women seemed to come in second in many aspects, whether it was how much we earned compared to our male counterparts or even when it came to having the tools and knowledge to make the decisions best for retirement, college education planning for kids, etc. Her work encourages women to take a much more active role and to allow education help ease the fears of the unknown when it comes to personal finances.

As someone who advocates for all things that help women continually move forward, it is an honor to share with you all these final images from Melanie’s photoshoot with Heartbox Photography!

Images | Heartbox Photography

Hair & makeup | Beautiful One Makeup Artistry

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2513.jpg

“Personal finance knowledge is sorely lacking for everyone, and having the ability to share my knowledge and be a part of someone reaching their financial goals gives me great satisfaction.

My journey to the woman I am today has been a constant discovery, which is what I love best, because I have a deep desire to continue to learn.”

-Melanie Pelayo, Financial Advisor

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2515.jpg

What do you appreciate most about your life now?

“I know I have the skills within me to accomplish what I want to do if I set my mind to it.

I’m grateful to have my family around me and their support no matter what, and appreciate the sacrifices my parents made to help me become the person I am today.”

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2518.jpg

Andrea | 2019 | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women


“Wonder Woman is not a fictional character. Wonder Woman is a mindset.”

-Michelle A. Homme

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Andrea and I scheduled a photoshoot to celebrate her recent birthday and if you haven’t already picked up by now, I absolutely LOVE when women decide to do a photoshoot simply because they are celebrating another year of life.

What better reason to get dolled up, dressed up, and strike a pose? I think it’s the best way to not only continue to own who they are as a woman but also to show the world that a woman’s beauty is timeless.

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As we chatted and got to know each other during the styling of hair/makeup an her photoshoot, I learned that Andrea works as a forensic and clinical psychologist.

This incredibly smart woman (who, by the way, is a little over 5 feet tall with the sweetest smile) then proceeds to casually mention that her regular days at work involve visiting jails, prisons, and courtrooms utilizing her investigative skills and background in psychology.

I thought it was incredibly fascinating that Andrea has always wanted to be either a psychologist or a detective and worked her way to accomplish just that, in a field that I don’t often see a lot of women in.

I am so proud to share with you all a few images from Andrea’s photoshoot with Heartbox Photography as well as a little bit about her background, from Andrea herself!

Special thanks to Becky Lau of A Beautiful One Makeup for Andrea’s hair and makeup!

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“As an adolescent, I wanted to be either a psychologist or detective. Mainly, I wanted to do something make the world a better place but also was fascinated with human behavior and emotions. So, I found forensic psychology!

It’s a wonderful combination of psychology and investigating why someone might have committed a crime and why.

Although I never liked school, I had a goal so I gained a doctorate and now have my own practice. I am hired by judges and attorneys to evaluate individuals who have been arrested for various crimes. I evaluate and administer psychological tests to help the court understand who they are, if they have a mental illness, substance abuse issue, their tendency for violence or sex offending, or psychopathy.

Sometimes, I need to testify in court which is stressful but also thrilling. It can be difficult and sad to hear of individuals abuse, poverty, and neglect in childhood.

Mental illness, substance use, and homelessness is so often misunderstood by our society. It is very rewarding to know that I can make a difference in these individual’s lives and assist their attorneys and the court to understand them and provide the treatment they need. I am also thankful to all the clients I’ve evaluated for sharing the stories of their lives with me.”

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“Beauty is not being sexy or adored by others.

It can feel really good but beauty is how you treat others and make them feel.

Never compare yourself to others and trust your intuition.

Go live out loud in the world.”

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Best advice you ever received?

“Life is not fair.

While this may sound negative, it helped me stop becoming upset or comparing my life to others.

Focus on what you have and be in the moment. This is the place of most joy and happiness.”

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What do you appreciate most about your life now?

“I appreciate that I have learned that quality of friends is better than quantity. I like that I don’t feel the need to go out every evening can enjoy time at home with the love of my life with our pets. It’s nice to feel grounded.”

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._2040.jpg

Phoebe | 2019 | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

I stared at the blinking cursor on my computer for awhile as I was preparing to write this post.

It wasn’t for any reason that was bad - the complete opposite. It was more like “how do I even have enough words or the right words that would accurately communicate the message and story of Phoebe’s life?”

The one thing that I think anyone can say about Phoebe is that she is all about God and not in a superficial way - rather, in a deep, heartfelt, raw and real way. The kind that makes the skeptic believe in the hope of actual miracles in this world again.

To say she has gone through a lot in her life would be an understatement and yet, what she is quick to share with anyone she meets is a message of the unwavering grace, love, and pursuit of a God that is real and alive. Despite having gone through childhood trauma, physical and mental health battles that sometime resurface even today, grace and hope collided with Phoebe’s life in ways that has changed it and continues to change to it. It is no surprise to me that Phoebe’s daily work in founding Overcoming with Grace is grounded in wanting to help others experience a life transformed as hers has been. Maybe you or someone you know could use a message of hope and life change and this is coming at the right time. Visit her website, learn about her story. You’ll see what I mean. :)

I am so very honored to share with you all the final images from Phoebe’s photoshoot. She is a woman, a devoted wife, a mother, a survivor, and living proof that God does some pretty crazy things out of a never-ending love for His people.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Images | Heartbox Photography

Hair & Makeup | Beautiful One Makeup

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Can you tell me a bit about your journey since your last photoshoot, what inspired you to start your company, and what you find most rewarding about your work?

Oh man, a LOT has happened. I got pregnant with our second daughter, who is now 2 and is this spunky, funny, sweet, ball of fire!

I started Overcoming with Grace, because I wanted to be an example to women of what is possible.

Whether they've experienced trauma, loss, debilitating health issues, deep negative self-talk, or any pain...they CAN recover.

Not only can they recover, but they can actually have JOY in their life again after experiencing so much heart ache and pain. They can get out of the darkness, even when it seems like there is no light.

Time and time again, God has shown me that with whatever I thought was impossible to overcome or heal, His limitless power can heal anything. We have an impossible God!

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What do you appreciate most about your life now?

I appreciate the way I view suffering and trials way more than I ever have. I used to view it as another hardship and challenge that would inevitably come, because, hey, that's the life I've been living. Always a tragedy, trauma, loss, surgery, diagnosis, struggle, failure, betrayal, etc. So what's next?

Now, it's more of: I wonder what God is going to show me, or teach me, or grow me through this? I wonder what I'm going to learn more about Him and myself? It's such a freeing way to view challenges and suffering. This came most clear to me earlier this year when my physical and mental health flared up the most it has in awhile.

It showed me a new layer of living with my conditions, where I could not only still have joy in my life, but also to show others that it is possible to do it too. It showed me a new level of letting go. And being able to LIVE with my family, friends and the other people placed in my life has been such a gift that no condition, past trauma or anything or anyone else can take away!

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The most rewarding thing about my work is seeing when the light bulbs start going off in my clients of how they don't have to be at the mercy of their circumstances...when they start being aware that they CAN take back control of their lives in a healthy, empowered way...when they start being aware that they have everything they need within them to succeed and feel loved, and it's not depending on anyone or anything else....seeing all that magic start and unfold more and more is such a gift and privilege!

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Best advice you ever received and advice you'd give to your own daughter now regarding confidence, beauty, wholeness as a human in today's day & age?

When you can view beauty and confidence WITHOUT comparing, you've gotten confidence down. (Oh, that just came to me at midnight!!! LOL!)

Even when we compare ourselves to our old self, sometimes we do it negatively and in a way where we keep unhealthily striving.

I would tell my daughter to view her beauty, confidence and wholeness from within, and not the within from herself, but from the one who created her. God is THE voice that will carry her through.

When she has God-confidence and views herself the way He does, then I know it won't matter whatever comes her way, she will be able to soar through!

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