A Celebration of Phenomenal Women | 50 & Fabulous Series | Melanie Gill

One of the things I enjoyed most about launching a series in 2021 that celebrated women who are part of the 50+ demographic was hearing their personal perspectives about what this season of life looked like for them, their careers, and their overall journey.

Being in this demographic means different things to different women and as such, I have asked a few women who participated in the series to share their stories - and today, I am honored to highlight Melanie Gill, Bay Area-based Marketing and Branding Expert, of Melanie Gill Consulting.


Aging is really a gift if you think about it.

Not everyone is blessed with this opportunity to journey “over the hill” and experience life at a slower pace.

Embracing my age has been a very freeing experience. A major step toward acceptance was ending the perpetual hair dye sessions and embracing my grey in all its glory. The year long journey from black to grey was slow. During that time, I really processed what it meant to be over 50. As I would look in the mirror and watch my hair changing, I too was able to shift internally as I would digest what the next chapter of my life could look like.

For me, it became clear that I was ready to work on my own terms as a marketing consultant and live more in the moment personally.

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The tech space can be fast moving requiring more than a typical full time routine, often including extensive international travel. While I very much enjoyed that part of my life and seeing the world, it also became clear as I got older that I wanted to engage at a pace that supported my personal life here at home.

This is what inspired me to leave the corporate world and start my marketing consulting practice.

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It was a bit of a dance back and forth for a few years between consulting, then returning full time, then back to consulting. And now I love being a consultant and supporting a variety of small and mid size companies while learning about new endeavors beyond technology.

With over 20 years in leadership roles in Silicon Valley, I bring extensive marketing and sales expertise to the clients I serve today. I am passionate about helping small to mid size businesses get the word out about who they are, what they are offering, and why it matters. I am gifted at being able to step into an organization and bring to light what is needed to achieve that next level of success.

Being a consultant has allowed me to create a balanced personal routine enabling me to focus on exercise, eating well, and keeping my garden beautiful. Right now, I am writing a cookbook and so far the recipes seem to all be vegan as I have been focused on bringing more vegetables into my daily diet. One thing is for sure, I don’t miss the commute or the long trips over seas for business.

When I have a bit of down time between clients, you will find me getting certified in something interesting like interior design or essential oils. Or taking on a big project at home like landscaping my garden myself.

And while I tend to be a driven, focused, and deliberate person, I also enjoy deep connection with people.

There is nothing I like more than having a meal with a handful of amazing, witty, and interesting women!