
The Best is Yet to Come - Happy New Year!


“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” - C.S. Lewis

And just like that, it is officially 2024!

 I hope this finds you ready and hopeful for new opportunities, filled just a bit more with courage to take advantage of those opportunities.

I hope this finds you in a space where curiosity and joy thrive - daily. 

I hope this year, you find endless reasons to celebrate even the "small" everyday things, 

remembering that the so-called "small" things are actually the big things.

Happy New Year!

white cards journal

Celebrating Women in Business | Jyoti Mehta

Jyoti Mehta is someone I think every person in the Bay Area should know. And not just because she’s an awesome person (she is!), but because whether you’re an athlete, a person who logs in a ton of time in front of the computer, or even a musician, painter, or hairstylist, the health and care of your hands all the way to your shoulders is something most of us don’t think much about. Until an ache or injury prompts us to.

Her passion to serve her patients coupled with her expertise of over 20+ years as an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist were very clear to me when I first had the opportunity to hear about her work and background. I especially appreciate that Jyoti values taking the time to assess each client’s case with care and thoughtfulness, making sure that they are educated on all the options available to best treat their unique situation.

Highlighting Bay Area women in business is one of my favorite things to do and I am excited to feature Jyoti Mehta, owner/founder of Healthy Hands in Sunnyvale!

Can you share a little bit about you and your business?

I have been a board certified Occupational therapist for 20+years and a certified hand therapist since 2011. I specialize in evaluating and providing high quality rehab to clients with hand, wrist, elbow or shoulder injuries.

Healthy Hands represents my private practice clinic situated in Sunnyvale, where my patients get swift appointment scheduling, individualized specialist attention, successful rehabilitation, and a prompt return to their favorite activities. Whether pain is a result of sports injuries, surgery or spending too many hours in front of the computer, I help patients ease their pain and achieve their best possible mobility, strength and endurance. My website lists the many orthopedic and neurological conditions I treat,along with my different treatment methods.

 What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

I enjoy the privilege of working with people from all walks of life - musicians, climbers, chefs, sports enthusiasts, attorneys, teachers, artists, and office workers. Treating diverse upper extremity conditions has given me a deep understanding of the impact they have on each patient’s unique work and daily life.

For me, the challenge and the most fun comes from problem solving the cause of my patient’s pain. It typically involves assessing and understanding the interplay of different body systems (skin, fascia, muscles, tendons, joints, nerves) and then analyzing them in light of a patient's work and play habits.


Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

Oh, so much to tell my 18 year old self! Find your strengths, find what lights you up and go for your passion!

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of? I feel most blessed to be a mother and a healer. Both roles bring immense joy and satisfaction.

Who inspires you and why?

My dad has a heart full of empathy. He embodies a genuine warmth that resonates with everyone he meets, making them feel valued and cared for. He inspires me to be compassionate and kind to all around me.

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

I could be super tired or unwell but play some bollywood music (of my liking) and I’ll jump out of bed to dance! Dancing and fun are synonymous.

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk and the “father of mindfulness”. I wish I could be in the presence of his aura and experience some of his peace and bliss.

Celebrating Sisters & Friends

“There's no better friend than a sister.”

- author unknown

Photographing sisters holds a special place in my heart.

Mostly because I have the gift of two sisters myself and while a lot of our childhood was filled with your typical sister fights over toys and clothes our adulthood now shares a bond that makes me deeply grateful for my siblings. I have the privilege of having sisters I can call my bestest (yes, that’s a real word) friends.

Consider celebrating your sisters (or those you consider your sisters) through a photoshoot. Because sisters are simply priceless.

Image by Heartbox Photography

Celebrating Women in Business | Anne Brinkman

"Dreams and reality are opposites. Action synthesizes them."

-Assata Shakur

I just love the opportunity to promote and talk about women in business in the Bay Area. And to be invited to play a small role in helping establish their brand by making sure they have professional headshots, well, that’s even better! Anne Brinkman is the founder/owner of BetterYour.Life and I had the privilege of not only helping her create her business headshots but also feature her in today’s “Celebrating Women in Business” spotlight.

Images by Heartbox Photography


woman outdoor portrait headshot blue shirt trees outdoor San Jose

Can you share a little bit about you and your business?

“I run a life coaching business - I coach people who have visions of their success but are struggling to get there.”

What has your journey looked like personally/professionally to get to where you are now?

“I appreciate the opportunity to explore different careers.  I spent many years as a software engineer, some as a computer lab teacher, some in software training and consulting, and exploratory jobs doing kitchen prep and bakery work.  Every where I worked has contributed to me in some way and the role I now have as a coach.”

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

“I love to connect closely with people, to understand their motivations, and to help them find their blocks and get past them.  The biggest challenge is that I need to spend time on myself as well, to get past my own blocks.”

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

“Stop caring about what other people think.  Just start learning and practicing the things you want to get better at and time will do its thing.”  

pink shirt outdoor trees forest hiking backpack nature photograph woman

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

“That I have not held back in trying new careers or felt tied to a career ladder.  That I've followed interests I've had despite needing to start over.” 

Who inspires you and why?

“People who have dreamed big and really made it happen, through belief and persistence.  Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Steph Curry, Jose Andres, etc!”

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

“I love learning and would be a full time student, time and money permitting. I run a lot (slowly) and have completed over 20 1/2 marathons (and one marathon)!”

Celebrating Women in Business | Ramona Shaw

“ ‘Restore connection' is not just for devices, it is for people too.”

-Arianna Huffington

Happy New Year, everyone!

In just a few days, we will literally be halfway through this first month of 2023 already - and I sincerely hope the start of the year has been a good one for you all so far.

With this fresh start and new year, I though it best to start off with featuring one of my awesome clients, Ramona Shaw.

As a leadership and executive coach as well as author of The Competent and Confident New Manager with extensive experience as a former VP in a corporate setting, Ramona’s work is dedicated to developing and helping managers become high-performing, effective leaders.

Her work is about challenging and growing people to essentially be a great influence to those they lead and I am honored to feature her in today’s “Celebrating Women in Business” spotlight!

Images by Heartbox Photography


Can you share a little bit about you and your business? 

I have a leadership development business that specializes in delivering coaching and training programs for new and mid-level leaders.

What has your journey looked like personally/professionally to get to where you are now?

After graduating, I entered the field of private equity and ultimately led strategic projects and international teams at a private equity firm. However, I soon found out that I couldn’t figure out how to be a good leader all on my own. As I went through my own growth journey as a leader, I discovered my passion for coaching and leadership training.  I decided to get officially certified as a professional coach and dedicate my career to helping managers become leaders people love to work for. 

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

I absolutely love being able to be a positive influence on people’s careers. There is definitely a butterfly effect when it comes to leadership. I love helping a new manager overcome the obstacles that they face. I feel that by helping one person become a better manager, there is an even bigger impact that it has on the organizational environment because the people on that manager’s team will see how a good leader responds to challenges, sets a good example, and implements positive leadership habits that create positive and inclusive work environments.

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

I would tell myself that it’s important to know yourself and that strong self-leadership, which includes the ability to manage our own thinking and our emotions, is key to becoming a strong leader. Start with growing that part of leadership first and foremost, regardless of job or position.

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

The thing I appreciate most about my life right now is how rich and full it is. My schedule stays busy but it’s busy with the things I love doing, spending time with my kids, running my business, and making a difference in the lives and work of others.

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

I would love to meet Marcus Aurelius, who reigned as a Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD. He was a dedicated student of Stoicism and wrote what would later become titled “Meditations.” These writings were journal entries to himself as a source for his own self-improvement and philosophy on leadership. 

I admire the philosophical beliefs of Aurelius because as a leader his Stoic principles helped him overcome many obstacles and become one of the greatest Roman leaders in history. Not only does Stoicism help me feel more focused and have greater clarity even when things are unexpected or unpredictable, but it also helps me give up the need to feel like I have to be in control all the time.

Women in Business | Adrienne Rush

“The most successful entrepreneurs I know are optimistic. It’s part of the job description.” -Caterina Fake

A dedicated wife.

Proud mother.

And…boxing club owner.

Yes, you read that right. Adrienne Rush is the owner of TITLE Boxing Club, a boutique fitness gym that offers boxing and kickboxing classes in Mountain View, California. I had the privilege of photographing her earlier this year as part of the 50 Fabulous Series I am working on to create a magazine celebrating the amazing women in the Bay Area who are 50+.

After many years in the tech industry, Adrienne eventually retired and took on the unexpected and exciting adventure of not only becoming a business owner but also in an area of fitness she had no prior experience in - boxing. Today, she not only runs this successful club, but also is a active participant/student in the boxing/fitness classes herself.

And in my world, there is just something incredibly cool about women who take up boxing to stay healthy and fit. I am so honored to share with you today’s 50 Fabulous spotlight on the amazing Adrienne.

Happy Monday!

Image | Heartbox Photography

San Jose women headshot blue shirt portrait photography

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

My favorite part of running the business is helping people improve their lives through fitness. I meet wonderful people, have an amazing staff, and I love hearing members share their stories about how working out at the club has successfully helped them address health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight issues, or found that boxing helps them reduce the stress in their lives. The biggest challenge by far has been the closure we had during the pandemic. 


Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

Don't be afraid to be yourself and take risks. 


What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of? My life is full of things to appreciate - family, friends, good health, pets, nature - too many to list. I am most proud of my two wonderful daughters.


A fun or surprising fact about yourself? People are often surprised when they first learn that I run a boxing fitness business. They say, "Boxing? You?" 


If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why? Ruth Bader Ginsberg because she was not afraid to act in spite of so many challenges and pressures to conform. 

Fresh Inspiration

"It is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer."

-Anna Godbersen

I absolutely love digging through my archives and finding images from past photoshoots.

My absolute favorite form of light natural backlighting - it gives a beautiful, clean, and crisp feel to the photographs and to see an image that reminds me of the times I was first experimenting with this type of natural light inspires me all over again.

And it reminded me that sometimes, a new and fresh source of inspiration for the future can absolutely come from remembering the gems of the past.

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far!

Image by Heartbox Photography

headshot San Jose photographer portraits women

Bay Area Women in Business | Ruth-Anne Siegel

We artists - the photographers, sculptors, ballet dancers, designers, the makeup artists, musicians, singers, writers, fashion designers, to name just a few - are HUGE on inspiration whether or not it comes from the same medium we use to express our creativity. There have been countless, beautiful moments of inspiration that have fueled the latest ideas and endeavors in my own photography over the years.

Ballet dancers have fueled my inspiration to capture the human body in movement through a dance series of photographs.

The valley of lights that flood the layout of Sensorio Paso Robles serve as a mesmerizing reminder of why I love the infusion of bright, bold colors in the expression of clothing.

Watching the careful ways a talented makeup artist unearths the beauty of women through their work with an array of shades of lipsticks, eye shadows, and brushes sparks my curiosity in trying a new, elegant makeup look on myself.

Observing the ways in which a musician becomes lost in focus in the world of melodic sound emanating from their instruments joined with other instruments is a more than familiar sight to me. I, too, have gotten that blissful look of a creative lost in concentration and creation of my own photography during the midst of a shoot.

Artists truly inspire other artists.

And what I am inspired by most with Ruth-Anne Siegel is she not only creates stunning works of art as a fine arts painter, but also that her joy for what she does and understanding of how art profoundly impacts people, their spaces, their lives is something I can deeply appreciate as a fellow creative.

It is my honor to feature the lovely, talented, and inspiring Ruth-Anne Siegel, a Bay Area-based fine art painter with Art4 Solutions!


Images by Heartbox Photography

Hair & Makeup by Daisy Gonzalez-Duarte of BeautifulOne Makeup Artistry


San Jose woman portrait business headshot by Heartbox Photography

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?  

I love being an artist! It’s all I’ve ever been or wanted to be.

I realized my dream by studying graphic design in college at the Rhode Island School of Design and being a graphic designer for my entire career until now.

Luckily, design has many of the same principles and rules as painting such as color theory, composition, change of scale, etc. Yet being a fine artist is even more challenging than being a designer for various reasons. Unless I have a commission, I don’t have clients. I work by myself on my own. I’m my own client!

The work is solitary and self-motivated. I can put in lots of time and sometimes the work just doesn’t gel. It can be frustrating, but when work comes together, there’s no better feeling.

Knowing what you know now about your career, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

When I was 18, I had to choose my major during my freshman year. I really wanted to study painting, but I was too practical to study a non-professional major.

I would tell that girl to keep studying graphic design and not worry, you’ll get to paint eventually. Also, that cute guy from Brown you met at the Halloween ball will eventually be your husband.

Who inspires you and why?  

My inspirations are varied including lyrics, books, and Instagram. My most consistent inspiration is looking at other artists’ work especially with creative curation. I love innovative museums and untraditional galleries.

My favorite artists are Richard Diebenkorn, Joan Mitchell, Claude Monet, and Franz Klein. Looking at their work, I see their hand; their marks are as alive to me as if they just painted them.

I am also inspired by my artist friends in Art4. They all think differently than me and their work causes me see other perspectives.

San Jose women headshot portraits by Heartbox Photography. All rights reserved._9647.jpg

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?  

I am a Peloton fanatic! I also love Pilates and downhill skiing. Surprising because I am SO not athletic. I am also an avid word puzzle doer. I love playing Anagrams (a variation on Bananagrams) and Boggle with my kids. They are formidable opponents!

If you could meet anyone in history , who would it be and why?

If I had to choose one, it would be Pete Townshend, the lead song writer and guitarist of The Who. His music and lyrics have had such a profound influence on me since I discovered The Who when I was 10. He has provided the soundtrack for my life. When I am not inspired in the studio, I put on a Who playlist or any of his solo work and the creativity just flows.

Bay Area Women In Business | Joelle Rabow Maletis

I love hearing about the pivots and turns that paint the journey of a woman’s life and how it contributed to where they are today. It is in these details that make people’s stories so interesting and Joelle Maletis is no exception.

Joelle is a Bay Area-based therapist, with an expertise on military psychology and post traumatic stress disorder. When I first met her, I immediately assumed this was her first career, one that she has aspired to be in from the very beginning - only to find out that her first career was actually as a professional dancer for many years (20!) before an injury prompted her to return to school to become a therapist. And yes, all this while being a mother to her then-one and three year old children!

She is the CEO of Joelle Rabow Maletis & Associates and I am so honored to feature the story of this remarkable woman in today’s Bay Area Women in Business spotlight!

Image by Heartbox Photography

Hair & Makeup by Daisy Gonzalez-Duarte of Beautiful One Makeup Artistry

San Jose headshots  & portraits for women by Heartbox Photography


Can you share a little bit about you and your business? 

I am a native Californian and the CEO and Clinical Supervisor of Joelle Rabow Maletis & Associates Inc. I am also a psychotherapist, military psychology, and PTSD expert. I specialize in trauma, relationship issues, addictions, and life transitions. The work I complete each day allows me to be of service to others while using my educational background and real-life experiences. Outside of the office, I enjoy sports, cooking, running, biking, hiking, reading, and watching women’s soccer.

I started as a ballet dancer by training and was in the dance world for 20 years. I had a career-ending injury and thought therapy would be interesting.

From my own backstory, I fell in love with working through my own stuff and doing that with a therapist. All of a sudden, I was newly divorced with a one and a three-year-old, so I went back to graduate school for the third time and said, “okay well therapy sounds interesting, and I don't know if I’ll be any good at it but let's give it a go.” I have been a therapist ever since and have ended up loving it as much as I loved being a dancer.

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

I love that my job is multi-faceted because this makes it exciting. I also enjoy doing mentoring and career development with new therapists and working with clients on growth. Doing media work and talking to people and female business owners in a variety of discipline on mental wellness is something that I always look forward to as well.

Some of the challenges are taking care of myself while taking care of my children, family, team, and clients. It's so hard to be a people pleaser, a perfectionist, and wanting to give everyone everything all the time. As therapists, we give so much all the time, we forget to give to ourselves! I'm definitely guilty of this! It's why I love micro-self-care. 

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18-year-old self?

Who you are right now is not who you will be forever. Stay open minded and willing to try new experiences because even if you fail, that’s okay because growth comes from failure.

What do you appreciate/are most proud of?

What I appreciate and am proud of as an entrepreneur is being fortunate enough to go from borrowing $600 to purchase a couch for my office to growing my business into what it is today. I am very appreciative of the privilege that has allowed me to do that. What I am most proud of is what my kids have accomplished so far in life and the doors they have opened for themselves. 

San Jose women headshot portraits by Heartbox Photography

Who inspires you and why?

Amy Poehler because of the work she does with her smart girl’s foundation.

Her Smart Girls organization encourages uniqueness and intelligence in young people so that they can become themselves without trying to fit in.

The work she does gives young people the opportunity to feel like they fit in while being themselves which is so important.

San Jose women headshot portraits by Heartbox Photography

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

I have appeared in over sixty movies, commercials, and music videos as a backup dancer.

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

Emily Dickinson who bucked the patriarchy and wrote poetry anyway!

Misty Copeland the first black prima ballerina for the American Ballet Theater in NY; and, who redefined ballerinas’ bodies, showing the world that dancers are athletes, not stick figures! And Emmiline Pankhurst who started the suffragettes in the UK during WWI, helping women get the right to vote shortly after the war. 

A Celebration of Phenomenal Women | 50 & Fabulous Series | Melanie Gill

One of the things I enjoyed most about launching a series in 2021 that celebrated women who are part of the 50+ demographic was hearing their personal perspectives about what this season of life looked like for them, their careers, and their overall journey.

Being in this demographic means different things to different women and as such, I have asked a few women who participated in the series to share their stories - and today, I am honored to highlight Melanie Gill, Bay Area-based Marketing and Branding Expert, of Melanie Gill Consulting.


Aging is really a gift if you think about it.

Not everyone is blessed with this opportunity to journey “over the hill” and experience life at a slower pace.

Embracing my age has been a very freeing experience. A major step toward acceptance was ending the perpetual hair dye sessions and embracing my grey in all its glory. The year long journey from black to grey was slow. During that time, I really processed what it meant to be over 50. As I would look in the mirror and watch my hair changing, I too was able to shift internally as I would digest what the next chapter of my life could look like.

For me, it became clear that I was ready to work on my own terms as a marketing consultant and live more in the moment personally.

black outfit grey hair woman photo

The tech space can be fast moving requiring more than a typical full time routine, often including extensive international travel. While I very much enjoyed that part of my life and seeing the world, it also became clear as I got older that I wanted to engage at a pace that supported my personal life here at home.

This is what inspired me to leave the corporate world and start my marketing consulting practice.

grey hair blue dress woman outfit photo

It was a bit of a dance back and forth for a few years between consulting, then returning full time, then back to consulting. And now I love being a consultant and supporting a variety of small and mid size companies while learning about new endeavors beyond technology.

With over 20 years in leadership roles in Silicon Valley, I bring extensive marketing and sales expertise to the clients I serve today. I am passionate about helping small to mid size businesses get the word out about who they are, what they are offering, and why it matters. I am gifted at being able to step into an organization and bring to light what is needed to achieve that next level of success.

Being a consultant has allowed me to create a balanced personal routine enabling me to focus on exercise, eating well, and keeping my garden beautiful. Right now, I am writing a cookbook and so far the recipes seem to all be vegan as I have been focused on bringing more vegetables into my daily diet. One thing is for sure, I don’t miss the commute or the long trips over seas for business.

When I have a bit of down time between clients, you will find me getting certified in something interesting like interior design or essential oils. Or taking on a big project at home like landscaping my garden myself.

And while I tend to be a driven, focused, and deliberate person, I also enjoy deep connection with people.

There is nothing I like more than having a meal with a handful of amazing, witty, and interesting women!

International Women's Day 2022

How proud I am to serve and encourage women. To remind them of their voice, their possibilities.

March is when we celebrate International Women’s Day. And as I look at the faces of just some of the women I have been privileged to photograph over the years, I am in awe of the beauty seen in various stories that weave together a sweet reminder of how proud I am to be a woman.

Images | Heartbox Photography


portraits diverse women international women's day 2022

Bay Area Women In Business | Dr. Kerry Lindell

I must confess that as I type this, I find the urge to sit up straighter at my desk and exercise better posture. =)

Why, you might wonder? Well, today I am honored to feature Dr. Kerry Lindell, founder of Lindell Chiropractic in this month’s “Bay Area Women in Business” profile!

Dr. Lindell is a trusted Bay Area - based chiropractor with extensive (over 30 years) experience. She has been named Local Businessperson of the Year in Mountain View twice and her commitment to providing the best care for every one of her clients, undoubtedly, is what contributed to not only the success of her practice, but also to the stellar reputation she has built among her clientele.

One of the things that I personally found so interesting about Dr. Lindell is that while her work is centered around spinal care, sports injuries, etc. this amazing business woman is also pretty fearless when it comes to facing activities that would send someone like me running for the hills! I will let her elaborate on it below, but basically, while most of us shy away from activities like bungee jumping and swimming with sharks, she is the daredevil who seeks after the thrill of activities like this gusto!


Can you share a little bit about you and your business? 

I grew up in Los Altos, California and studied Biology at UCLA. Towards the end of college, I was suffering with severe pain in my shoulder blade. I was not able to focus on my studies and needed to get some help. My parents flew me home so I could see a chiropractor. After the first treatment, I felt so much better. She treated me again the next day and I improved even more. Not only did I get significant relief from my pain, but I also realized then and there that I wanted to become a chiropractor.

I went to Palmer Chiropractic College West, graduated in 1990 and have been in practice for almost 32 years. I specialize in proper spinal alignment, posture correction, sports injuries and neurology. I am also having huge success with the latest technology challed Shockwave Therapy which is a regenerative treatment for acute and chronic injuries. You can visit www.lindellchiropractic.com to find out more about me and my services.

women business headshot pink outfit

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?  

I absolutely love being a Chiropractor and can't imagine doing anything else! What I enjoy the most about what I do is getting to know my patients and being able to improve their quality of life. I have developed treatment protocols to help my patients restore normal posture, relieve pain, improve range of motion and function, and recover and rehabilitate after an accident or injury.

The greatest challenge has always been dealing with insurance companies. Need I say more?

Knowing what you know now about your career, what would you tell your 18 year old self?  
I would tell myself to trust my gut, listen to my heart, and follow my intuition. It worked for me when I was 22 and it still works to this day.

Who inspires you and why?  
My twenty year old twins inspire me to be the best role model possible as a mother, doctor of chiropractic and business owner.

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?  
I am somewhat of a dare devil or thrill seeker. I have tried bungee jumping, skydiving, hang gliding, paragliding, parasailing, balloon riding, helicopter riding, flying trapeze, motorcycle riding, surfing, horseback riding, shooting, E biking, ziplining with monkeys and scuba diving with sharks in South Africa, waterfall/cliff jumping and Spartan Obstacle Course Racing.

If you could meet anyone in history (living or not), who would it be and why?

I'd like to meet the fabulous British actress, Dame Maggie Smith.  Since I am currently watching Downton Abbey for the second time, she has been on my mind lately. It turns out we both have Scottish mothers and she reminds me of my mother as they have very similar mannerisms. She has had an extremely prolific acting career since the 50's and is currently working at 87 yrs. old. I am sure she could tell some funny and fascinating stories.

Portrait of a Lady | 50+ and Fabulous of 2021

In the Spring of 2021, I officially launched the very first Portrait of a Lady | 50+ and Fabulous Series. I have always photographed women of all ages, but never designed anything specifically dedicated to celebrating this fabulous demographic of women.

Until now.

The goal was to intentionally reach out and photograph 50 women in 2021 who are 50+ and proud to share it with others through their images. I am honored to now present to you all the first ever compilation of my clients whose images together create a beautiful tapestry of art that speaks a message of celebration at every age and season of life!

Portrait of a Lady, 50+ Fabulous Series 2021

Images | Heartbox Photography

New Year, New You 2022 Headshots

Happy New Year, everyone!

To kick off the celebration of this new year, I am excited to once again offer the New Year, New You 2022 Gift Card below that may be used towards any of the Business Headshot Packages from Heartbox Photography!

First impressions are everything so whether it's for Linked-In, your company website, or any online social media presence - why not step forward confidently with a headshot you can be proud to use in 2022?

This offer expires February 28 so if you have questions or are looking to book your session,

visit this link and choose a date/time for your consultation today.

Cheers to new beginnings in 2022!

Freya Krishnan | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

No joke, one of the very first things I ever shared with Freya was that I simply could not take a selfie to save my life. (Yes, I am still somehow a photographer!) Freya was holding a workshop I attended dedicated to helping people like me see that a good selfie is indeed possible and can be used for fun social media marketing. I am less afraid of selfies now because of her! =)

Sometime later, I had the privilege to help Freya update her own headshots. This driven and creative woman does phenomenal work helping others as a Visibility and Confidence Coach as well as an entrepreneur and mentor. I am so proud to share with you all not only some of her images from her photoshoot with me, but also a bit more about Freya and her story that led to where she is today and shapes who she continues to grow into for the future.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Images | Heartbox Photography

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._7449.jpg


“I have always been a huge advocate for women and small businesses. As a Visibility + Confidence Coach, my mission is to empower women in business so that they can be seen as their most authentic and confident selves. I run workshops and group programs that teach on how to increase visibility, expand networks, and become more confident in the process.

I have been an entrepreneur for about 15+ years now, but it feels like I have been one for most of my life. I was born and raised in the Philippines. Growing up, my parents always ran some form of small business. They made sure that their kids helped out in all their ventures, and though none of us siblings ended up going into business school, in their own way our parents taught us motivation, resilience and work ethic. And they most definitely instilled the entrepreneur mindset in me.

I migrated to the United States at 17 to study Computer Science…that is a long story. I somehow found my way back into entrepreneurship because I needed to find fulfillment and an opportunity to practice creativity that my grey cubicle could not provide.”

My passion is to help other women succeed by leading by example and showing them that they are capable of ANYTHING they set their minds to.

The challenge for me is finding balance in everything that I do. Being a hybrid entrepreneur, I have to juggle my day job as a Project Manager with my other businesses. It's a lot to manage but I always make sure I have fun and set aside time for self-care.”

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

”Have a long term vision, learn how to set goals and surround yourself with people who know where they are going and are going to challenge you to be a better version of yourself.”

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

“I secretly want to be a food photographer/stylist. I do love food and I love to travel. So almost every trip I go, I try to go on a food walking tour or have a list of restaurants that I want to try. My whole family is this way. I guess we were raised as foodies and wanderers! I also love to cook and consider it a relaxing and creative outlet to work on a new recipe or prepare a meal for guests.”

Lisa Riggs | A Celebration of Phenomenal Women

“It’s making a difference in the world that prevents me from ever giving up.”

-Deborah Meier

It is my honor to share with you all this month more about the CEO, Founder, and woman behind the Bay Area-based company, Spirit Sox USA.

Phenomenal women are everywhere and Lisa Riggs is no exception. She comes from a long line of entrepreneurs (her grandfather started his own jam and jelly company!) and is the first in her family to move from food-industry based entrepreneurship to socks! Spirit Sox USA helps fuel fundraisers for organizations in various industries and non-profits, both locally and nationally.

She has also been featured as a podcast guest on Blue Roads Education Group, School Zone Podcast, and Enterprise Podcast Network. In addition to being affectionately known as the “Sock Queen”, Lisa is also a proud mother, wife, and loyal Bay Area fan of both the 49ers and Giants!

Image | Heartbox Photography

Hair & Makeup | Daisy Gonzalez-Duarte of Beautiful One Makeup Artistry


Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._7297.jpg

“I founded Spirit Sox USA about 5 years ago. We are a certified woman owned company that customizes socks uniquely for each customer. My true goal is to make the world a better place 1 sock at a time and that's why I do what I do and donate 5% of my profits to helping underserved communities.

On a personal note, I've been married almost 25 years and am enjoying empty nest more than I expected with my husband! My son, Mitchell, is 20 and attends UCI, majoring in Chemistry with a goal of saving the planet with chemistry. My daughter, Kayla, is 19 and will be a sophomore at Cornell, studying communications and already an editor for the Cornell Sun and blog writer for the Women's Network. We love our animals! Our 2 rescue dogs, Tucker and Callie, our 30 year old box turtle, Henry, and our 5 fantail goldfish! In my spare time I love to exercise, enjoy the outdoors, go to the beach and read. My happy place is swimming with the sea turtles in Maui!”

What has your journey looked like personally/professionally to get to where you are now?

“I had to grow a lot personally in order to grow professionally. I'm a perfectionist and perfectionists do not like to fail. Do you know the % of startups that fail? 90%. So my personal growth which included confidence in myself and my abiilites as well as overcoming, or even embracing, the fear of failure. I have to admit Google search is my friend - it's amazing what I have been able to teach myself from full Photoshop skills to how to build a business!”

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

“Honestly, my favorite part of my job is helping my customers improve their community or area of the world. Who would think a pair of socks can make the world a better place?!

But time after time, I've seen my customers raise money with their sock fundraisers to fight teen suicide, support Down Syndrome, raise awareness for mental health, fund cancer reasearch on so on."

My main challenge is being a one woman show, not because I'm a woman, but because I wear so many hats. I did get funding to start this company so I truly have built it from the ground up. As we've grown, I've been able to hire contractors to take on roles in the company but I just never seem to have enough time to get it all done.”

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

“My 18 year old self always focused on the negatives about myself rather than the positives. Thankfully I when I went to college I found both my indepence and the start of my self confidence. So if I could talk to her now I'd say: Be kinder to yourself. Enjoy the moment. Have confidence in YOU.”

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._7298.jpg

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

“My family 100%. I am so proud of my kids for their intelligence, their accomplishments and most importantly for the genuinely good humans that they are. I'm also very proud of my husband and I who have our 25th anniversary approaching and worked our tails off to create a loving and happy household for our family. As we all know it's not always easy, but it sure is worth it.”

Who inspires you and why?

“My dad has always been my biggest inspiration. He's so smart and confident but also one of the kindest, most thoughtful people you will ever meet. He's run and sold multiple companies so he is tough in the boardroom but a softy with babies and dogs and his grandchildren, too! I come from a family of entrepreneurs. My grandfather started his own jam and jelly company. My dad started a strawberry company. And as the 1st female entrepreneur I took us out of food and into socks!”

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

“Fun fact: I have a 30 year old box turtle named Henry. He is my sidekick and I love him dearly! Also, I am a sports nut! Die hard 49er and Giants fan. We've had season tickets to the Niners for 31 years and I rarely miss a game!”

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

“Honestly, I think I'd like to meet Oprah. She has overcome so many barriers and failures to be the household name that she is while always retaining her class and her authenticity. She is someone women of all ages and colors can look to as a role model.”

Aundrea Lacy | A Celebration of Black Excellence

It is always a wonderful surprise when situations that seem to be happy accidents end up yielding the most pleasant of results.

After baking brownies as a thank you gift for a friend many years ago, Aundrea later realized she had transposed the brownie recipe without knowing she was dyslexic at the time. These results, in addition to hard work, perseverance, and limitless vision over the years is what catapulted Aundrea Lacy, owner/founder of Bay Area-based company Luv’s Brownies, into the inspirational success she is today. (You can read more about her story here) Not only has her company’s desserts become an award-winning Bay Area favorite, but Luv’s Brownies has also earned national recognition from shows that include Good Morning America, The Montell Williams Show, CBS New York, just to name a few!

Aundrea is a firm believer in generously giving back to her community and in addition to being a successful entrepreneur, she has also established The Andrea R. Lacy Grit Award Scholarship, which is awarded to student applicants on the path to pursuing higher education or vocational training.

It is my honor to share with you all the latest feature in the Celebration of Black Excellence Series, Aundrea Lacy!

Tell us a bit more about your background - where are you from, what inspired you to choose your specific area of education and eventual career?

“I was born in San Franciso. My family moved to the peninsula when I was elementary school and I went to Mills High School in Millbrae.”

What are you most proud of in your life and why?

“I am most proud of my son Mateo-Sebastian. His youthfulness and zest for life gives me hope for the next generation.” 

What is something most people might now know about you?

“I’m frugal. I know how to stretch a dollar.”

Can you tell me about someone who has had a huge influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you?

“My son has had a huge influence over my life. He has taught me to have patience.” 

What is the best advice you've ever received?

“Best advice I received was from my father. Hard work always pays off.”

Who/what inspires you and why?

“My inspiration comes from watching other Black Americans thrive.”

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

“I would like to meet Oprah, Marcus Lemonis, Tyler Perry. All of them show tenacity and are willing to always give back. They have used their platforms to enlighten and educate others.” 

What does it "honoring and celebrating black excellence" mean to you personally?

Black Excellence means bringing more voices to the table. The richness of our culture is unmatched. Most people don’t know the slave trade was huge. Brazil got more slaves than the United States. The African diaspora should be discussed more in school. Our Black history month shouldn’t be just a month.” 

Celebrating Phenomenal Women | Tiffany Castillo

 When I first started Heartbox Photography almost 9 years ago, I (as many photographers who are just starting out will attest to) began experimenting with the various styles and types of photography I wanted to specialize in. Everything from families to weddings and everything in between helped refine my creative style over the years and clearly showed me that I thoroughly enjoyed portrait photography that specifically highlighted women the most.

Tiffany Castillo is a devoted mother, wife, and works as a loan officer with Green Family Mortgage, a family-owned mortgage broker. During the early stages of my business, I had the privilege of working with Tiffany on a styled photoshoot in the San Jose area, as she so graciously agreed to help me build my portfolio and serve as one of my models.

It has been many years since that photoshoot and I recently had the honor of working with her again, this time to create her business headshots. One of my favorite things about her session is that we not only got to take advantage of the beautiful outdoor light, but also that her images prove you can absolutely have professional headshots that seamlessly integrate a fresh style and sense of fashion as well.

Without further ado, I am proud to share with you all the latest photoshoot featuring this phenomenal woman, Tiffany Castillo.

Images | Heartbox Photography

Hair & makeup | Daisy Gonzalez-Duarte of Beautiful One Makeup Artistry

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._6510.jpg

“My passion is giving people knowledge regarding home financing and homeownership. Although I am a “mortgage loan officer,” I like to consider myself an advisor when it comes to home financing. Advising new and current homeowners how they can best utilize their largest asset.

Interestingly enough, it took me awhile to get here – it was not a straight line and I am proud to have arrived at my destination thus far. When thinking about “what I want to be when I grow up,” it was never a mortgage advisor.

While in tech, my manager knew I was not happy and asked where I see myself in 5 years. I was honest and told him that I can see myself in real estate but not as a realtor. He reached out to a family member who is a mortgage broker and asked if she would be willing to speak with me. From there, she took me under her wing and has guided me to where I am today.”

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

“Being part of this big event in a person or persons life/lives. The elation and excitement they feel, that its doesn’t seem real because it hasn’t all set in yet. The challenges – in general, purchasing a home is a stressful time due to the timeline of the purchase. Getting first time homebuyers to understand that things are moving as they should can be hard as there is a lot at stake for them, and I completely understand. I think it really comes down to trust – building that trust with my client – both a joy and a challenge.”

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

“Save early and don’t live outside your means even if it looks pretty – whatever it was, it was not worth it knowing what I know about being financially healthy with an asset of a home!”

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._6512.jpg

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

“I appreciate my family - my kids are my pride and joy. They are what push me every day to do what I do. To help those families who are like mine and only want the best for them.”

Who inspires you and why?

“Again, my kids. They really show me how important it is to live in the moment. That not everything is so serious. They inspire me to be a better person every day and I base my decisions on what is best for them, both personally and professionally.”

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._6513.jpg

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

“I am an adrenaline junkie, love tattoos, roller coasters, anything to get the heart racing – you’ve got one life, do what makes your heart go!”

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

“I would want to see my grandfathers to be honest. They were both very different men and when they passed, for one I was too young, and for the other, I was too naïve. I would want to sit down with them and ask them about their lives – how they came to be who they are. Stories from my family are great but I have my own questions and would love to hear their stories from them.”


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“I strive to be the best resource to all who know me in whatever it is they need assistance in. And if I don’t have the answer, I will do my best to point them in the right direction. I will continue to be curious, knowledge is power!”