
Doggy Dentists

She scratches herself into a frenzy so much so that at the right speed of scratch, her hind leg looks more like she's kicking herself in the face. At, like, Olympic speed.

It is allergy season at it's finest and like humans, my poor baby suffers with sneezes and itchiness just like the rest of us. An allergy skin test from our vet confirmed she was allergic to almost everything that found it's way onto her body. To top it all off, my husband reminded me that in the next week, Kona is also set to go in for a dental procedure. Yes, to a doggy dentist to fix a cracked tooth. Whaaaaaaaat???? 

I know. 

Dentists for dogs are real. And so are their price tags.

That one time I was doing laundry and thought it be the funniest thing to put my jacket on her. 
That look on her face? BEYOND worth it.

Happy Monday, folks. 

Sans the Diapers

My husband and I don't have kids yet - so yes, the four-legged fluff ball we call our dog, Kona Bean, proudly bears the title of "baby" in our household, sans the diapers.

We've planned a trip to Southern California to enjoy the sunshine, the time together, and most of all, to see if Kona can be like those dogs on TV that look all cool jogging next to their owners along the water's edge.

But...knowing our baby and the high level of dork that can be found in her parents and our household, she'll probably look more like this:

Happy Monday!