
Celebrating Women in Business | Anne Brinkman

"Dreams and reality are opposites. Action synthesizes them."

-Assata Shakur

I just love the opportunity to promote and talk about women in business in the Bay Area. And to be invited to play a small role in helping establish their brand by making sure they have professional headshots, well, that’s even better! Anne Brinkman is the founder/owner of BetterYour.Life and I had the privilege of not only helping her create her business headshots but also feature her in today’s “Celebrating Women in Business” spotlight.

Images by Heartbox Photography


woman outdoor portrait headshot blue shirt trees outdoor San Jose

Can you share a little bit about you and your business?

“I run a life coaching business - I coach people who have visions of their success but are struggling to get there.”

What has your journey looked like personally/professionally to get to where you are now?

“I appreciate the opportunity to explore different careers.  I spent many years as a software engineer, some as a computer lab teacher, some in software training and consulting, and exploratory jobs doing kitchen prep and bakery work.  Every where I worked has contributed to me in some way and the role I now have as a coach.”

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

“I love to connect closely with people, to understand their motivations, and to help them find their blocks and get past them.  The biggest challenge is that I need to spend time on myself as well, to get past my own blocks.”

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

“Stop caring about what other people think.  Just start learning and practicing the things you want to get better at and time will do its thing.”  

pink shirt outdoor trees forest hiking backpack nature photograph woman

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

“That I have not held back in trying new careers or felt tied to a career ladder.  That I've followed interests I've had despite needing to start over.” 

Who inspires you and why?

“People who have dreamed big and really made it happen, through belief and persistence.  Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Steph Curry, Jose Andres, etc!”

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?

“I love learning and would be a full time student, time and money permitting. I run a lot (slowly) and have completed over 20 1/2 marathons (and one marathon)!”