
Button-Sewing Contest

I joke around sometimes about my lack of ability to stitch/sew/mend/be anywhere close to useful when presented with a needle and thread. And yes, I will be the first to admit that even now, as a grown adult, I will still pile together any clothes that need a hole mended or button secured into a nice little bag and haul it over to my momma's house to beg her to take care of these issues for me. I do my best as far as domestic duties are concerned, but given the choice I think I'd rather be presented with a pile of dishes clean and neatly put away than a heap of clothes begging me to match them up with their rightful button friends. 

In my little world, it's just a reminder that as much as I'd like be a good at everything and pretend I'm as cool as She-Ra, Wonderwoman, and Katniss Everdeen combined, it just ain't gonna happen. Everyone is good at very different things, including artists.

This weekend I had the awesome opportunity to showcase a couple of beautiful outfits created by stylist, Kalani Germono, of Kalani Style, hair by Shar Madriaga. She and Jenn Van Gundy, whom I had mentioned in a previous post, were part of a team of designers of a fashion show/fundraiser held to help raise awareness of human trafficking & exploitation of girls/women all over the world. Both Kalani and Jenn could easily school me in a button-sewing contest (for real!) and I am truly amazed by how these women used their talents as creators and artists to help with a larger global issue. 

More details are to come on the story behind the artists, their creations, and the cause so stay tuned!