There are some pictures that make you go "hmmmm" and others that simply put a little smile in your heart, a little bit more of a spring in your step, a little more joy in your soul. With it being the Christmas season and all, I went in search of some happy photos off the Internet and found these bits of happiness.
I know that deep down inside, Kona would love bike rides more than car rides.
I now know what to do with all my old Baby-Sitter Club books...
Just the other night I was telling my husband to make sure to wrap Kona up nice and warm with her blanket like an egg roll so she's warm during the winter months. But after seeing this photo, I think we should just scrap the blanket idea and carry her around in our arms all day instead. Ain't no thing like the love of a dog. Really.
Who knew that poultry could teach me a thing or two about how to care for others that are not your own...
Snoopy. Is. The. Best. 'Nuff said...
Another tear jerker...
I am not a huge fan of Star Wars, nor do I understand the story and why it's imperative to watch episodes 4, 5, and 6 before you watch episode 1, 2, or 3. BUT I am a HUGE fan of cute costumes that scream nothing but "awwwwwww".
I think I have an idea of what my husband and I should be for Halloween next year...
Cheese puffs make every day happy.
If I were a dog, this is the type of expression I'd want to have on my face. Especially when it comes time to pay taxes....
A real Valentine's Day card in the making...
I remember a time when this picture could very well be my sisters and me. Bowl haircuts and Christmas. And that thought alone made my heart smile a little wider....
Happy Wednesday!