Spontaneity, Charm, and Adventure

For the past few months, my fragrance of choice has been Eau de Vaseline Aloe Lotion and Dove Soaps and while that was all fine and dandy (and did it's job making me acceptable in a crowded elevator and rank low on the stink-o-meter), it was lacking in the fun department and I was in the mood to have some fun. 

This weekend in Las Vegas visiting family allowed for some mall time my husband and nieces to shop for a new perfume. I'm an overanalyzer by nature and it always boiled down to: Me + 1 million counters of perfume options = walking away with samples to take home, sniff, and analyze some more. And the award goes to.... Mrs. Type A of Northern California!

The myriad of options I saw in the department store, all contained in it's fancy bottles and even fancier prices, had my nose swimming in clouds of flower scents, hints of vanilla, you name it. Some fragrances even reminded me that though I love cotton candy and bubble gum, there was no need to walk around smelling like a candy factory experiment gone terribly wrong.

As I'd suspected would happen, too much time went by and I walked away with only a few options sprayed onto a small strips of paper and husband with the beginnings of an itchy nose and allergies soon to follow from all the floral scents/vanilla scents/candy factory scents I sprayed into his face. We were approaching the bazillionth time I asked his opinion and hence, decided to call it a day and try another time.

But after a quick detour into a Banana Republic store on the way home, I'm happy to report that I unexpectedly found the perfect compliment to my Vaseline and Dove collection. 

According to this website, my new fragrance, Wildbloom, is "designed for spontaneous, charming, and adventurous women to who enjoy every moment of their day."

Eh....no pressure, right?! 

I love this new fragrance and yes, I'll admit it: the little leather flower on the bottle that Mr. Banana Republic decorated it with certainly helped sway my decision a little. Tiny. Bit. What can I say? I'm a sucker for details and accessories. Even on fancy schmancy perfume bottles.

In other news, I will have the opportunity this weekend to help photograph a wedding alongside Ananda Shorey of Bliss Fotography. I am very excited about this opportunity as it will be another chance to work alongside another professional and hone my skills even more as a photographer. It's always nerve-wracking, but at the same time the challenge is fun and I am looking forward to it! Whoo-hoo!

Here's to the spontaneity, charm, and adventure in you.

Happy Monday!