My Vidal Sasoon Dad

It was a fun-filled weekend spent with the endless chatter and clang of utensils as we celebrated birthdays, time with family, good food, and then of course, Father's Day this weekend. And I don't know about your dad, but one memory I vividly recall as a kid was that my dad was responsible for crooked bangs and the uber dork-status hairstyles my sisters and I sported when we were little. Dad can get a little too creative sometimes and I think our haircuts were an experiment to see if he could be the Filipino Vidal Sasoon.

My dad is an interesting character. I'm proud to say that it's because of him that my sisters and I grew up knowing how to fix a broken toilet in the house like we were born plumbers, have the skills to get all MacGyver on minor household repairs with paperclips, tape, and the right can-do-attitude, and know how to have a nerdy sense of humor about life while making a fancy schmancy dinner out of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup and an egg. (You haven't LIVED until you've added an egg.)

Most of all, I always recall my dad encouraging us to be unique, creative, and unafraid to aim high, even if it meant not looking like everyone else, crooked bangs and all.

Hope you all enjoyed a fabulous Father Day weekend!

Happy Monday!