Some days the words come easily and Yammer-Doodle-Doo could very well be my middle name. And on other days, my brain is staring at a blank screen and at an impatient, blinking cursor waiting for me to formulate some sort of intelligence strung together with pretty words in a blog post.
Today was one of those, uh....other days.
I don't know about you, but some, if not most, of my "ah-ha" moments come at the weirdest times - doing laundry (dang, there goes that red sock in the whites...again!), dodging a bicyclist on the street, or in the produce aisle trying to decide if I should live on the edge and reach for the apple at the top of the heap rather than settle for the ones meant for us "fun-sized" people at the bottom.And my "aha" moment this time simply came from taking a random walk one sunny afternoon. I was trying not to trip down some steps I was walking on when it dawned on me that it might be fun to write a series entitled "Because There's Always Room". As my steps quickened down the pavement, I realized that there's always room for something good everyday, right?
And today? Well, there's always room for shout outs and thank you's.
When I was unsure of whether or not to start my photography business, it was Molly Denson of Simply M Photography who said "why not?" Though I've never met Molly in person (her photography business is actually based out in Tenessee), and only through email exchanges and Facebook posts, I owe her a huge thank you. With every question I had from business licensing, to connecting me with other photographers and resources, to answering the tiniest questions on shooting techniques, Molly has simply been kind, patient, and most of all encouraging. And in an industry where it's fiercly competitive, to find support from a peer is worth it's weight in gold.
So here's a shout out to Molly Denson of Simply M Photography. Because, really, there's always room for thank you's, any day of the week.
Happy Thursday!