My camera has allowed my husband and I to reconnect with old acquaintances, spend more time with close friends, and even meet new people along the way. I can't emphasize enough how fun it is to be able to say that a camera has been an awesome tool to help connect with people.
One sunny afternoon a few weeks ago was no different. My husband and I sat on the steps of a local museum waiting for a guy named Robert Ajlouny to show up. Robert is an aspiring actor and model and we'd agreed to meet up to do a photoshoot. I wasn't quite sure what to expect as I'd never worked with an actor/model. I just sat there nervously tapping my foot on the cement steps of the museum, hoping he wouldn't ask me why I didn't have studio lights set up or why I wasn't best homies with the crew at GQ or Vogue.
And when Robert showed up, it was nothing like that. Robert was the coolest to work with. My husband, Robert, and I spent an afternoon chatting up a storm. So much so, I almost forgot I had to take pictures as we were chatting! It turns out we all share the same faith (yep, Robert loved him some Jesus, too!) and he was happily sharing parts of his life story with us. Needless to say, we had a great time getting to know Robert and at the end of the session, felt thankful to be able to play a small part in helping another individual in their quest to accomplish their own dreams.
Below are a few preview shots from Robert's always, stay tuned for more to come!