Margret | September Birthday Rewards | Portraits by Heartbox Photography | Bay Area, CA

As the cooler air starts to settle in and we teeter between the remnants of summer weather mixed with the anticipation of a new season to come, I'd like to take the time out to say a happy birthday to the September Birthday Rewards winner, none other than the lovely Margret!

Margret and her family were one of the earlier supporters of my endeavors with Heartbox Photography and to have that trust from people to allow you into their world in front of the camera is a gift I will never forget.

Margret, I hope you had a fabulous September birthday celebration. Thank you for always being so supportive and genuinely kind. Here's to many, MANY more beautiful years to come!

30 Days of Thanks | Day 10 | Sister, Sister

I  used to wish I were an only child. I remember the pink pages of my Hello Kitty diary being filled with complaining for my very unfortunate lot in life, to be in constant company of not just one, but TWO of these beings called sisters. These rants came especially on the days when a favorite blouse went missing only to be "accidentally" discovered in my sisters' laundry pile. Or during the times that the lesson of sharing was highly emphasized in any situation involving chocolate or toys or a chance at the Nintendo controller. One wrong, cross-eyed look sometimes set into motion a spiral of fights, slamming of doors, and a vow that you will never get passed my half of the room!!

The pettiness as well as the crazy fun of our childhood together as sisters makes me smile. I don't know exactly when it happened, but in the wildly-woven fabric of our story, of our relationships, as life propelled us into the growing pains of adolescence and adulthood, I am reminded, so strongly, that I wouldn't trade the two gals that God decided a long time ago would be my sisters. Like, I actually love them. #whaaaat??

It's crazy to me to recall when the fights no longer were about toys, but were about missed phone calls. When it became less about sharing clothes and instead about sharing time. When it became about marriage, kids, careers, faith, failures, victories, and facing the unknowns. When it became about being unafraid to say that, this is harder than I can express, you're my sister, and I need you in my corner. 

I'm thankful that my Hello Kitty diary rants and wishes about wanting to be an an only child never came true. I look back and realize that God knew, far more than I ever did, that having siblings would be one of the best gifts I ever received.

30 Days of Thanks | Day 9 | Modern Medicine & Miracles

I'm not a fan of visiting the doctor's office, the sound of the automatic doors that slide open upon entering a hospital, the smell of a hospital, the charts all over the walls that show immense details of your digestive system, your bone structure, and the colored-chart of your epidermal system. It's immensely unnerving to me how one place such as a medical facility could hold such pivotal moments for people.

However, despite my sentiments and qualms about anything doctor/medical/hospital/colored-charts/automatic-sliding-doors-related, I can't deny my gratitude for how modern medicine also plays a significant part of great miracles.

In a series of unexpected events of the past two weeks, some friends of our recently welcomed this little miracle into the world. He was a a tad early, but fought like a champ every step of the way. I think he gets that the fighting spirit from his momma. :)

Looking back, even if the medical world ain't my cup of tea, I sure am thankful that God's hands worked through modern medicine, weird-sounding monitoring machines, and knowledgeable doctors and nurses to make sure that mommy and this little guy could come home.



30 Days of Thanks | Day 8 | Sibling Birthdays

My sister is a big of a nerd when it comes to her birthday. And when I say "nerd" I mean it in the most affectionate/loving/I-have-to-say-it-this-because-I'm-the-big-sister way. Even if it doesn't necessarily involve a huge birthday bash, jars of jelly beans or a rainbow-colored pony with some glitter, the girl will make it known to everybody and their momma that she's so happy because it's her birthday.

The thing is, she's like this with EVERYBODY'S birthday, not just her own. I remember one year, as we were shopping during my own birthday, she decided that it was important to announce to the sales associate at the shoe store that it was my birthday. Half of me was touched, while the other half of me wanted to give her a noogie.

As nerdy as she is, I guess I can appreciate her feelings about birthdays. After all, it's a celebration of life, the anniversary of the day God decided to make you real, to put forth His awesome plans into motion through you.

I love my siblings and for every year that they get to celebrate life, well, now that's something I'm always super thankful for.

Happy Birthday to my nerdy, little sister.

Oh, and this right here? A unique gift for birthdays or any occasion. Re-purposed keys that allow you to inscribe a message to the recipient and then meant to be passed on. Check out the story of the Los Angeles based company, The Giving Keys - they're just as cool as having a rainbow-colored pony on your birthday. Really. 


Preview | Suman, 2015 | Contemporary Portraits | Fabulous Series | Santa Clara, CA

One of my favorite things to share with my clients is that even as a photographer, even I still get really nervous and shy about being in front of the lens rather than hiding behind it. I sometimes think that us as women, though hopefully we grow more confident over time, will always have a little sense of this shyness, this hesitation as part of our DNA. And I personally think it comes from deep down hope that we are loved, approved, accepted as we appear in the reflection that stares back at us in the mirror.

It's getting harder and harder drown out the voices of social media and Hollywood that says we need to be a certain size and a certain age to be considered beautiful and fabulous.  But perhaps a new style of photographs can help change all of that. One that says, yes, I feel more beautiful as I get older and wouldn't wish to reverse anything!

As I photograph more and more women who are part of the "Fabulous" Series - celebrating women who are 40+ in age - I begin to see how awesome it is to see their smiles unfold and their unique personalities come out in each photograph. Yes, there are still hints of that shyness but to see how it intertwines magically with the heart and soul of a her smile creating a unique image for the camera to capture...well, it's just beyond cool.

These ladies are brave and I hope they see that it's ok to be proud of your age, that it's ok to laugh at the quirks of each year that passes, and HECK YES it's totally acceptable to twirl around and feel beautiful in front of the camera.

This is just a sneak peak into the latest "Fabulous" Series photo session - there's more, so stay tuned!

Photography: Heartbox Photography
Hair/Makeup: Kat Tinney 


30 Days of Thanks | Day 7: Power Girl Books

People say to me all the time, "You have no fear." I tell them, "No, that's not true. I'm scared all the time. You have to fear in order to have courage. 
I'm a courageous person because I'm a scared person." 
- Ronda Rousey

I know nothing about the MMA (mixed-martial arts)...except that I would never willingly step into a cage knowing there's a good chance it'll be the last time I see my teeth.

However, when I learned about Ronda Rousey, I was immediately intrigued by her story not only as a judoka, not only as an mixed-martial arts fighter, or even as an Olympian, but as a woman whose story is paving the way for female-empowerment in a new way.

It's a little disheartening to see that young girls look up to other female role models based solely on appearance, the level of family drama broadcasted on social-media or their latest news-headlining vacation, or what they ate for breakfast. Don't get me wrong, I love fashion just like any other gal and yes, sometimes I get sucked into clicking on that latest Yahoo article about the scoop on someone's dating life. However, the women that stand out in my mind with the story worth reading about are those who are build their lives and careers around being advocates for women to have a healthy mind-set of their bodies, women who are fighters for their hopes and dreams, women who are real with all ups and downs, women who know that their work is influencing younger generations of girls for years to come.

I love reading and even more so, reading about the lives of individuals who are helping to shape the world for other women in meaningful ways.

Check out My Fight, Your Fight by Maria Burns-Ortiz and Ronda Rousey - I highly recommend it.


Thuy, 2015 | Headshot Portraits | Saratoga, CA

Beneath Thuy's quiet nature and resolve is a wife, mom, and talented business owner behind Bay-Area based, award-winning Ha Design Studio. Her wide span of creative branding skills have allowed her the opportunity to work with various companies in different industries that include LunchBots, Pizza California, Three Sisters Flowers, and Holistic Legal Services.

But beyond her wide-array of accomplishments as a designer, the one thing that stands out to me the most is that she is supportive and a firm believer in being unafraid to step out, be creative, and be different. As a fellow small-business owner and woman, I learned that we shared a lot of the same hopes, aspirations, and challenges. During the chats/lunches we've had, I always remember feeling encouraged and hopeful, even daring to dream big once again. Whenever someone simply says to you "Why not?" as Thuy has said to me on more than one occasion, your mind can't help but start thinking about new ideas to try out and new paths to discover.

Thuy, thank you for trusting my camera and me to capture you in these photographs. Your quiet and encouraging nature is something I can't be grateful enough for. I look forward to more opportunities I can be a support to you the way you have been for me!
"A truly beautiful woman is someone who is authentic and true to herself. She loves everything about herself and doesn't seek external validation. 
Because of this, she radiates happiness and beams with joy. She is kind, daring, creative, intuitive, gentle, and strong all at the same time."
What is one thing you wish you could go back and tell yourself when you were 18 years old?

"You are perfect the way you are. There's nothing to prove. 
Have fun and don't take life too seriously."
"[I want young girls to know] that self-confidence makes a woman more beautiful than all the makeup, clothing and jewelry in the world. 
"When we put another woman down, we are putting ourselves down."
"Be kind to other women. Too often, young girls see other women as competition and try to cut each other down to feel better about themselves. 
I want them to [instead] know that we are stronger when we come together."
"The thing I most appreciate about my life is my daughter. I'm watching her grow into this little human and it's so miraculous. 
Seeing how much she looks up to me and mimics everything - I try to be the best person I can be."
"I want [my daughter] to know that she can have it all and have a blast while she's doing it!"
Many thanks to Kat Tinney for her beautiful work on Thuy's hair and makeup!

30 Days of Thanks | Day 6: Mistakes

You're never, EVER thankful for mistakes when you're in the midst of making them or even immediately right after it. Like, the day after, the month after, even perhaps the months and years after. Why? It's too painful, as if someone just sprinkled salt onto a freshly opened wound. I just really grossed myself out saying that. Further evidence that I was never meant to work in the medical field.

In thinking of things I'm thankful for, mistakes were obviously ranked waaay low on the totem of pole of subjects to write about, to express gratitude for. Reflecting on a few of them make my skin still crawl a little bit to this day. I was that kid who cringed to get a paper or assignment back in school and find nothing but red marks decorated generously across the incorrect answers or across the words of an essay I thought I poured enough effort into. I remember when I was a kid and made the mistake of thinking it was funny to call somebody "retarded" just because everyone else was doing it and I wanted to fit in. After getting in trouble for this, I learned that the words I casually threw around for fun could have a much harder and hurtful impact on someone else. Or that time I made the mistake of thinking I could wing it for a spelling bee competition, aka was too lazy to study and got my butt kicked after the first round after misspelling the word barracks. Learned the hard way that laziness and arrogant assumptions get you absolutely nowhere.

Growing older, mistakes were found in things beyond what a red marker could tangibly write on, stuff that was a little more serious - certain relationships, perhaps in regretful words that tumbled out,  even in a negative attitude eagerly burst forth that should have been restrained instead, certain choices in what occupied my time, etc. They go on and the list won't stop as I continue to live this life. And I'm learning to be ok with this. Slowly and at snail-paced/molasses speed, but learning.

My point? Mistakes simply suck but I can't deny it's profound effect on how they continue to help shape me as a person. Do I wish for mistakes? Hell no. In fact, in my tiny world, my secret wish is to never make mistakes anymore, to be as near perfect as possible...every day. I wish to take back, re-do many, many parts of my life just like the next person.

As self-absorbed and as gross as that sounds, I think deep down we all wish for perfection to some degree. It's kinda embarrassing and I'm super thankful that I don't have the ability God does to make things perfect. Because in essence, my idea of perfect also means that I wouldn't mature. A mistake-less existence would mean that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to grow.  It means that I wouldn't learn the crazy beauty of what it's like to be forgiven or to forgive, to let go, to have courage to speak up, to have the wisdom to stay silent. Mistakes teach my naturally impatient personality to wait. Mistakes prod at my heart to see bigger than what's immediately in front of me.

Do mistakes still make me cringe, cry, hide, and break down into that ugly hiccup-weeping where I can barely get a word out because of the tears running down my face and the snot plugging my ability to breathe? Yep. But for as long as God can continuously take my repeated mistakes, my cracks, imperfections, and turn them into something awesome and fill them with grace, I'll always end up just fine in the end. This is a truth for me that I fight hard to cling to every day.



30 Days of Thanks | Day 5: Movie Quotes

It's not THAT old.

But seeing as how this movie came out when I was in the 9th grade and I'm now zyxerdaffsd;jfkjsadf years feels a teeny bit dated.

HOWEVER! Thought-provoking, heart-tugging movies never go out of style for me and that's how I feel about watching "Mr. Holland's Opus".

I once heard another photographer talk about how she took the time to be inspired by other forms of art, ones that you would never think had anything to do with her own. She talked about watching ballet, movies, dance performances. In it, there is inspiration that awakens the other senses of a human being, perhaps even driving their creativity even more.

This was such a great reminder because so often, I get very caught up in following rules. And not necessarily in a way that's cute or endearing, but more like annoying and kinda controlling and ugh, you just end up feeling like the biggest loser because the world just caught a peek at something you're embarrassed about. And blech, I hate the feeling and hate admitting it even more. It's especially frustrating when I have these moments and discover  with incredible dismay that it's crept it's sneaky way into my photography. Have to do it this way, have to follow that process, have to structure it like so and so. All in the attempts to be, ironically, free and creative. 

I recently watched Mr. Holland's Opus and a line he said tugged at the controlling parts of my heart...

"Play the sunset..."

And in that tiny line, but profound line, I am reminded to let go. To photograph with a heart and mindset of freedom. To capture what I think is beautiful and creative and free and cool and inspiring and awesome. To allow myself as an artist to feel and create and put my own stamp on it instead of being confined by the unforgiving talons of fear or rules or the lie that this has to fit this box or that in order to be beautiful, worthy to be called art.

To play the sunset.

30 Days of Thanks | Day 4: Handwritten Cards

Handwritten cards. I love them more than the present they are sometimes attached to.

There's something pretty awesome-sauce, high-five-fist-bump-worthy about the thought that someone took the time out of their day to stand in the card-aisle at Target or Paper Source and then took more to dig out a writing utensil from the depths of their purse or desk drawer and think of something to adequately express their hilarious birthday greetings, their anniversary best wishes, their love for you in their life.

Handwritten cards are awesome reminders that I have been undeservingly blessed with friends and family who'll stand in the card aisles just for that extra way to say they care.


30 Days of Thanks | Day 3: Evidence

Her toys are currently scattered all over the floor of our home. And for some reason, it doesn't stir up the OCD in me.

In the office, in our bedroom, in the living room, in the hallway, in the kitchen. A tattered pink rope, a drooled on, half grey from dirt, half green tennis ball, a weird looking squaky toy whale named Wilhelmina. (Get it?!? A whale named Wilhelmina! The w's?? Deep down, I know my husband is in awe at his genius wife.)

The armrest area of one of the couches is worn down, scratched at and probably smells a little weird. This is probably due to the fact that when we first got her,she discovered she possessed the balancing skills of a cat and made perching on top of the couch armrest her a daily habit. Our duvet cover to this day, still maintains an old patch that was sewn on to cover a hole she created in the middle of the night as we peacefully slept. #hercreativeskills #morningsurprise #wecantsew #atleastitwasntpoopsheleft

She's eaten garbage, among other things, will faithfully "help" you clean up any scraps of food that drop in kitchen, and needs the "You are my sunshine..." lullaby before she settles down to sleep at night.

Is this a post from a crazy dog lover about their dog? Yep, you bet it is.

Because when you have a four legged furball that is the first to respond with drooling kisses when you cry, the first to greet you with unabashed joy every time you step through the door even if it was just to throw out the garbage, has the superhero ability to ease up the creases of worry on your forehead with a single nudge of her cold and wet nose....well, you can't help lose your heart to the world of her unconditional love. And I am thankful for the scattered toys, the weathered-down couch and simply the happy evidence around our home of her presence.


30 Days of Thanks | Day 2: Ice Cream Memories

It didn't start off as a great day for me.

I mean, thank God for doctors and all, but as I get older, the more and more I become horribly anxious every year I go in for a routine check up. In all honesty, the thought of any possibility that my healthiness and healthy ways could be interrupted even for just a bit makes me shut down and freeze in absolute terror. All I could think of as I sat in the stark white examination room was why-oh-WHY didn't I call my mom to come with me? Because seriously, there are some days that I just need someone to hold my hand as if I were 5 years old again.

I don't know if it was the feeling of being scared-like-a-kid-again-morning I was having, but coming home after the doctor's visit to snack on a cup of mint chip ice cream made things feel a little better. Ice cream is fantastic on a whole lot of levels, but the memories it brought back were far sweeter than my little words can describe or capture.

Ice cream was serious business in my house growing up. I think the love of it may be some kind of genetic addiction thing that we all never got over. My ol' grandpa loved it long after his false teeth could handle it, my dad often joked that it always life better, and there are something, like, a million summer memories with my sisters that always involved Dad, Baskin Robbins, and the important decision to make between a cup or sugar cone.

I even recall the fact that when Dad couldn't find a spoon to dig into the pint of ice cream in our freezer, well, a fork would do. Try it. You'd be surprised at how well it actually works.

It was kinda nice that in the midst of this adult life, a small cup of mint-chip ice cream can bring an awesome boatload of childhood memories back to life and prod a smile out of an anxious face.


Lisa, 2015 | Contemporary Portraits | Fabulous Series | Santa Clara, CA

For any artist, it can be exciting to embark on a new endeavor, to see what will result when you take the imagination you have in your mind and then apply it to the blank canvas in front of you. 

As part of the "Fabulous Series" I am getting to meet some incredibly beautiful and interesting women who are allowing me to photograph them, tell a little bit of their story, and contribute to changing the face of what beautiful is for women everywhere.
There's a confidence and depth that come with living life beyond 40, 50, 60 years and as I learn more about these women, even I'm seeing little pieces of how I hope to be when I have reached those years in my own life - expressive of what I want and don't want. Less afraid to speak. More understanding of perseverance. Less defined by the world's expectations. Abundantly grateful for life, friends, family. More appreciative of health.

I am so excited to share the latest Fabulous Series photo sessions, featuring an incredibly lovely woman named Lisa.

Lisa, thank you. For stepping out of your comfort zone to be a part of something that entails more than just a pretty picture. For being incredibly honest about your life. And most of all for being willing to share a little bit of your world with me and with others.
What do you think makes a woman truly beautiful?
"Confidence. If you believe you are beautiful, it radiates outwardly. Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. 

Thankfully, what society sees as beautiful isn't always so to everyone. That's why there are hundreds of shoes in different colors, shapes, heels, materials, textures, etc. Design would be limited if we all found the same thing beautiful." 
"Beauty cannot be bought in a "lightening" cream or some surgery. Beauty is inside and radiates outwards.  Be confident and let the world see it!"
What are a few things you wish you could tell yourself back when you were 18 years old?

"Just like there are different styles, foods, designs in nature, each person is just as unique. There are so many different things that people gravitate towards. That's what makes life so exciting! Just be yourself and never try to be like anyone else. 

Your uniqueness is what makes you stand out."

What advice would you give to young girls about beauty, self-confidence, and growing up?

"Regardless of your size, you are beautiful. Don't diet. Exercise. 

Find something you love doing. Eat healthy and everything in moderation. 

Size is not an indication of health. TV and magazines can distort reality."

"Know what you want and stand up for it. Never let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. Accept compliments and be sure to give them in return.  Accept failures - they are learning lessons. Spend less time online. 

Enjoy the journey!"

What do you appreciate most about your life now?

"I am grateful for my friends and family. 

I am grateful for the amazing experiences I have had living abroad. Living in a foreign country helps you re-think your own environment and gives life a new perspective. I wish more people did it."

"I'm grateful for my own sense of inquisitiveness. It's the spark behind some amazing adventures and evolving perspectives in my life."

Happy Friday!

Many thanks to the talented Tammy Do from A-List Makeup for Lisa's hair and makeup!

30 Days of Thanks | Day 1: God's grace

A friend of mine recently took on an interesting challenge in honor of her recent birthday. This challenge entails 1 year/365 days of finding something in her day to be happy about. From finding joy in the mundane to the spectacular, she's documenting it all.

Hence this post. A challenge as long as a  year loooong makes me a little nervous, but perhaps that just goes to reveal the level of doubt I am a little embarrassed to admit I carry too much of. Almost as if I can hear an audible whisper that wonders if I'll even find something to be thankful for during the rest of this week. Well, how 'bout 30 days? Game on. 

Day One. I am thankful for God's grace. Seriously. Because whether I feel like being thankful or not, whether I "feel" deserving of it or not, whether my circumstances show happiness, sadness, apathy, joy, struggle, or triumph, heck, whether I believe it or not, it is always God's grace that remains a constant. I know that as a human, I am as fickle as the direction of the wind, yet God's grace is this rock-like anchor that remains present like crazy in my life. 

And I can't live without that crazy, rock-like anchor kinda of grace.


Lisa | July Birthday Rewards | Portraits by Heartbox Photography | Bay Area, CA

Summer is one of my favorite times of the year and always has been since I was a kid for many reasons. The free excuse to eat ice cream at Thrifty's (remember that???), the scent of Banana Boat sunscreen during days my parents took us swimming, to even the fond memories of riding around the "big kid," upside down roller coaster rides and toughing out the nauseating consequences of it later at our local amusement park. (Endless upside down motions coupled with churros and cake tend to make for an interesting car ride home. Sorry, Uncle!)

And even more so than fun roller coasters and amusement park memories, the summer season also means a celebration of life for some folks. I'm so excited to announce that the winner of the July Birthday Rewards drawing is none other than the lovely Lisa, who I also happened to have the opportunity to recently photograph! A full post is currently in the works for this fabulous July celebrant, so stay tuned!

Happy birthday, Lisa, and here's to many more to come!

Bay Area Love

The brilliant colors and alleys of San Francisco's Chinatown never get old. The hustle and bustle, even the crowds and cars to navigate through. It is such a blessing to live close enough to enjoy these Bay Area gems.

I still love the random walks through this historical part of this beloved city....

But what I love even more is being able to share these random adventures with this fellow right here...

Happy Wednesday, folks!

The Inner Thoughts of A Gangster

I think randomly dancing around at home or even in public is the cure to shaking off the grumpies.
I listen to rap music and secretly think I'm sooo gangster. WEST SIIIIDE!!

I wish I didn't love cheese so much.

Color-coded files make me clap my hands in excitement. And colorful Post-Its?? Ooooh, talk to me...
It amazes me that at my age, my mom already was raising 3 daughters. Especially since I feel like I'm 10 years old most days.

Earrings? The bigger, the better.

The random white hairs on my head make me look like a a walking television with antennae.

San Francisco-Chinatown-Heartbox-Photography

I sometimes wish I had a tattoo. The kind that celebrates my inner-wannabe-gangsterness.
I one time thought it would be funny to let my puppy lick a lemon slice. And that's all I gotta say 'bout that.
I love the smell of books. No Kindle for me. Show me the library!!!

I believe it is still a valuable skill to know how to look up a word in the dictionary...not through Google.
I think inappropriate humor is the best. One time, I even snorted while laughing.
Heel height on shoes matter after you turn 30.

I've grown to love Icy Hot. Again, the life of a 30-something.

Lionel Richie's greatest hits. 'Nuff said.

Happy Wednesday, ya'll!

Look Up

You know how you have those distinct memories as a kid that you remember in ridiculous detail but you're not exactly too sure why? A few days ago, a memory like this came flooding back to my brain suddenly, very similar to the way an unforeseen tropical shower blankets an undisturbed beachfront.

My dad was always on duty to drop us kids off at school in the morning. And on one particular day, sometime in the 5th or 6th grade, I got out of the car and started walking towards my classroom as my dad looked on from the car to make sure I got there safely before driving away. Later that afternoon when I came home, my dad randomly asked me why I walked with my head down. I wasn't sure what he meant, mostly because I never noticed that I did that in the first place. I guess my dad was watching a lot more closely than I thought because he then proceeded to tell me that whenever I walked, I should keep my head looking up, not down.  I can recall hearing his words as a kid, giving the automated "uh-huh" response of most pre-teens and moving on without giving my dad's words any further thought

Until last week.

We all know that days are up and down - that's just the infallible truth of life as a human. Not sure if it was the stifling heat of the afternoon sunshine, or that I was simply feeling bored and unmotivated creatively, but whatever it was, one particular day was little more glum than I hoped for I happened to have my camera with me and  stepped outside to practice observing/photographing my environment. Exercise the eyes, observe the light, think creatively outside the box a bit please let this be the magic pill that makes my glumness go away.

I photographed everything I saw around me with an increased amount of frustration that nothing was standing out to me. Everything around me was the same old thing - people milling about, buildings that looked the same as they did everyday, cars driving by. I found shade from the unforgiving sunlight and did something I hardly ever do - look up.

Looking up, I found the afternoon light glowing wildly behind the intricate textured leaves of an old palm tree. Looking up, I saw funky brown leaves mixed in with leaves that still survived long enough to show off their green hue to onlookers. Looking up, I felt the often overlooked amazement of what it's like to stand next to something that seemed to touch the vastness of the sky. Looking up, I became enthralled once again at the majestic nature that soars high and above the sometimes too fast-paced life around me.

Look up. It's pretty amazing.

Happy Monday!

Preview | Lisa, 2015 | Contemporary Portraits | Fabulous Series | Santa Clara, CA

One of the reasons I love about specializing in glamour and contemporary portrait photography for women is that it gives me a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact beyond just the photograph captured by my camera. That smile I see from a client who actually feels beautiful after seeing her photograph? It's absolutely priceless.

I started the "Fabulous Series" as a way to showcase the diverse beauty that I firmly believe is in every woman - those who are celebrating life in their 40's, 50's and beyond. What I'm finding even more awesome is that what makes these women even more beautiful are the stories behind their lives and how it has refined their character, shaped their lives, and influenced who they are today.

Because real beauty isn't limited by age or the standards of someone else - and these women are proving just that.

I am excited to share a sneak peak into the latest  "Fabulous Series" photos session with the lovely Lisa. There is much more to come, so stay tuned!

Happy Tuesday!

Many thanks to the talented Tammy Do from A-List Makeup for Lisa's hair and makeup!

Marie | June Birthday Rewards | Portraits by Heartbox Photography | Bay Area, CA

Awhile back, I had the honor of photographing the lovely Marie as part of the Fifty and Fabulous series. Her constant smile and upbeat personality are nothing less than a joy to be around and it is my pleasure to announce her as the winner for June's Birthday Rewards drawing!

Cheers to you, Marie! Here's to many more years of life, joy, and hula dancing like there's no tomorrow - happy birthday!